@National Hockey League

Confirmed by Columbus. Johnny Gaudreau has passed away.

by Busy-Apartment-2054


  1. Ashamed_Job_8151

    What a nightmare for that family…. 

  2. Rhonez078

    RIP. Sending prayers to their family and friends in such a terrible time.

  3. Fuck

    Today was to be a special day for their family as his sister was getting married.

    Hug your loved ones everyone

  4. late_brake_apex

    This happened close to my job site. Dark, narrow roads in this area. Incredibly tragic.

  5. DepartmentSea8381

    WTF I’m numb… Condolences to the Gaudreau Family.

  6. Kiiiriin

    That’s horrible news to wake up. Thoughts and prayers to the family

  7. StardustHoshizora

    Wtf 😭 Absolutely devastating. RIP Johnny Hockey and prayers to his family

  8. dylfree90

    Right before their sisters wedding. Lord..RIP Matt and Johnny. Going to be a tough go for their family.

  9. Danroy12345

    What horrible news. Saw rumours first thing this morning and was hoping it was just some hoax. Did they confirm it was a drunk driver?

  10. Triggered_canadian

    Unbelievable I thought some of the reports from last night were hoax’s. Condolences to the Gaudreau family. RIP Johnny hockey

  11. TheTonyAndolini

    Holy shit.

    Life really is fragile..

    My thoughts with his family 🙁

  12. jazzsalad666

    This is so fucking sad, as a fan of hockey, I am devastated. I loved Johnny Hockey as a player. Bought a retro flames jersey because of him. My condolences to his wife & family.

  13. Ecruteak-vagrant

    Fucking brutal. This shit sucks. I’m always paranoid as hell when I bike anywhere in a metro areas as you just never know if someone is distracted while driving. One split second and it’s lights out. RIP to him and the other victim.

  14. BurghFinsFan

    Awful news. My heart goes out to his family and especially his sister who was getting married this weekend.

  15. PokePurist

    You never know what today may bring, make sure you tell the people close to you that you love them today.

    RIP to a real one

  16. TheLastRulerofMerv

    The world is a poorer place today than it was yesterday. That poor family. God this is just so horrible and unfair. His poor sister who was going to get married today, his wife, his parents. His children who just lost a father. This is just next level awful.

  17. HolzyOSRS

    Gutted. RIP Johnny Hockey. This and Jim Donovon’s cancer returning makes this the worst sports week man 🙁

  18. Both_Woodpecker_6806

    Horrible situation for the whole family and friends. I remember watching him at the ASG here in Columbus where Brent Burns carried him on the breakaway contest because another player did that with their child. It was so funny and Johnny was such a good sport for going along with it. RIP to John and Matt.

  19. MikeTHIS

    Absolute tragedy. It shouldn’t matter what team you root for, this is just absolutely horrible for so many reasons.

    Life is so fragile and can change in the blink of an eye.

    Cherish every day. That’s just about the only thing you can do.

  20. Jesus Christ. Condolences from Smashville to the Gaudreau family and the entire Columbus organization/fanbase

    E: [Looks like the driver was impaired.]( Do not ever get behind the wheel of your fucking car if you’ve had too much to drink. There is no excuse in this day & age where you can press two buttons on your cell phone, spend maybe $20 or $30, and have a safe ride home. This is what happens

  21. Dry-Version-6515

    He had a 6-month old kid at home too. This is horrible.

  22. SuperegoCG

    rest easy Johnny Hockey and Brother Matthew. In town for sisters wedding but instead the family is only gonna remember this. Life’s too short guys, don’t take it for granted.

  23. SergeantDanglez

    Just a reminder to seize the day and live life to the fullest. RIP ☹️

  24. ehdhdhdk

    Also to the journalist that tweeted it out before next of kin and immediate family were probably notified, what a piece of shit you are. The fact he deleted the tweet indicates enough.

  25. After his departure from Calgary, I scooped up a CF jersey with his name/number for cheap, got it for my collection. I’m glad I did.

    RIP to the Gaudreau brothers and thoughts for the family in this difficult time.

  26. I’m sad, I’m angry, my heart hurts for the Gaudreau family.

  27. BoSocks91

    This is tragic.

    My condolences to the family.

  28. julking345634

    Everything is so terrible about this. His sister’s wedding day, a wife left with two children who just became fatherless and won’t remember their dad. The parents who just lost two sons. It’s just awful!
    Rest in peace! 🕊️❤️🕊️

  29. Sss00099

    He has 2 kids, both under 2 years old…neither will grow up knowing him nor will they have any memories of him.

    This is such an awful day for that family, and the hockey world.

  30. TheRealChompyTheGoat

    Not only is it tragic because he was a great player, but it couldn’t have happened to a nicer family. One of the games last season, my wife and I somehow accidentally ended up with seats in middle of all the families and it was so interesting to see who was just there to support and who was actually into the game. We specifically noticed his wife and daughter were the ones that seemed most into the game and it was wonderful to see how supportive they were. Such a tragedy and the hearts of Columbus go out to the family.

  31. CitizenStrife

    This fucking sucks for all NHL fans.


  32. Mstarfse

    Heard the rumors last night and woke up to this gut-wrenching news. Feel so bad for that family. They were expecting a moment of joy, the wedding of a daughter , and now they are planning 2 funerals….

    What a terrible event. Don’t drink and drive. You can ruin far, far more than just your own life.

  33. BubbaSpanks

    Holy shit! I’m stunned…RIP Johnny Hockey!! We definitely will miss you

  34. TherealCW_

    Jesus Christ. On their sisters wedding day too? That’s just horrible.

  35. TheRealESPBEN

    As a jackets fan….fuck everything. He chose us, after multiple stars left this city he chose Columbus. When we were a young team and not very good, he chose us. The team that is seen as an afterthought in the nhl…the college town..he chose us. He became my favorite blue jacket almost immediately he was one of the bright spots on a shitty team. Work at nationwide arena and my couple interactions he seemed so nice and now in an instant he’s gone. Lost kivi a couple years ago and now this. Fucking broken rn

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