@Toronto Maple Leafs

DevinTheLab Has NEVER Been TESTED Like This 1v1…

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  1. Please have you and Mike harden do a workout session (if possible). I wanna see how Mike harden trains his shot mechanics. And I wanna see how you train your hook shot (if you haven’t already did a video on that).

  2. buddy fouling a lot. got to beat them to spot, sliding your feet positioning your body in front of them not stiffing your arms when they get an angle on you.

  3. 14:24 I love and respect Dev’s game but ain’t no way I’m not calling that crazy ass carry if I ever 1v1 him😂

  4. Man it’s different playing against sum one who is strong asf & physical that shit really tires u out & tests how good ur conditioning truly is

  5. He’s a true pro, playing for Hong Kong in tournaments like the Asian Cup—not like those so-called ‘pros’ who claim the title but are nowhere to be found lol.
    Just imagine how good those real pros are.

  6. I just need dev to play somebody that the yt hoop community knows, I understand he's giving new people exposure but come on, he for sure knows who we want to see him play 1v1

  7. Do not bring him to the next chapter unless your bringing ppl his body type and as big as him, that man is literally killing anybody on there right now

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