@Montreal Canadiens

Patrik receives his jersey

Patrik receives his jersey

by shogun2909


  1. Laine sitting beside Josh Anderson. Anderson on the second line confirmed

  2. Puuhis71

    92 looks so weird on Patrik but im sure its gonna be alright

  3. Beneficial_Life_3617

    Does the organization really need the cash they get from putting that stupid RBC logo on the jerseys?

  4. magicwolfs

    Aura 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈

  5. He already feels at home, he’s there in his pajamas.

  6. Comfortable_Mango737

    Those pants!! Shoes!! Pink hat!! Holy shit welcome to the team🏒

  7. Leaf fan – but hope the can turn it around. Always admired his sharpshooting and potential.

  8. xanderpo

    Wtf is he wearing? This is a 6’5 adult making $10M/year, on his first visit to receive his uniform from a legendary organization. Confidence isn’t at peak ATM!

  9. simonlegosu

    Around here, we say “il pète le style”

  10. Old_Canuck

    That boy gotta Rock some Guy Lafleur hair !!!

    I wonder if he could rock a mink coat like Lafleur and Sittler could. 🤔

    Not that Im a mink coat fan but when I think of the disco 70’s with Sittler and Lafleur, 🤔 you know someone gonna sport the damn fuzzy thing. 😂

  11. EarthWormGin

    Baseless psychological assessment of today’s fashion model.

    Pink cap indicates his great passion for hockey being renewed.

    Floral pants “subtly” implying that he’ll be scoring like Lafleur / “the flower”. The Finnish company Marimekko that made this classic pattern apparently was founded in 1951, the same year that Guy Lafleur was born.

    That shade of green of the shoes poses the boldest and greatest mystery of psychoanalysis. Likes the color green?

  12. HabsPhophet

    Bros bouta turn i to our new kovalev i can feel it. Hes got that insane look in his eyes

  13. Habs_Apostle

    OK, so which game is Patrik Laine Night, where all the fans dress up like this? That would be a sight!

  14. With his fashion sense, I can’t wait for full suit & hat night.

  15. Rusharound19

    Lol what is this outfit?! Not judging him or anything! I’m just often amused by the fashions of the kids these days. It’s like they’re purposely trying to mix things that clash the most.

  16. Shaun_John78

    Doesn’t matter how he dresses as long as he is happy in Montreal and can continue a great career, no more hold backs and is happy.

  17. Prison-Date-Mike

    Welcome to the NHL Patrik. This is what a real franchise looks like.

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