@Tampa Bay Lightning

Player autographs

Hey guys I just got this jersey as a late birthday present and I’ve been trying to figure out which autograph belongs to which player. I can make out Ben Bishop, Fredrik Modin, Mike Sillinger, but after that I have no clue. I don’t think I can narrow the autographs to a certain year because of Ben bishop’s auto which makes matching the autographs a little bit harder

by mrjjk2010


  1. mishey22

    I’m pretty sure this is from around 99-00. I see Pavel Kubina and Shawn Burr and Daren Puppa and Freddie Modin. I also see a Vinny Lecavalier with the number 8. My best guest is preseason in 99.

    I do not see Ben Bishop.

    You can use this to help you pinpoint the rest: [](

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