@Montreal Canadiens

The Atmosphere In Montreal ‘Cannot Be Explained,’ Demidov ‘Will Be Having a Blast,’ Says Radulov

The Atmosphere In Montreal ‘Cannot Be Explained,’ Demidov ‘Will Be Having a Blast,’ Says Radulov

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. BasementLobster

    Radulov was such a fun player to watch. He knows how much the fans appreciate a great player who knows how to put on a show.

    Every day I somehow find new levels of hype for Demidov I didn’t know I had!

  2. xero1986

    Hey God, it’s me, Xero. I don’t ask for much, but if you could have this guy be a superstar, I’d really appreciate it. I know all the other Habs fans would too. Thanks big guy.

  3. Seraphin_Lampion

    The article only mentions his year with us but Radulov also spent 2 years being a star player with the Remparts.

  4. PaulWesterberg84

    Miss him. He was really good that year with us despite what his PT totals will tell you.

  5. nhabster

    Yeah sure, if it was that fun he’d have taken the deal.

    Downvote away, anti-Bergevins

  6. HabitantDLT

    I’m liking this other Demidov, coming at us with the hard-hitting news! Maybe they can give him a show on La Poche Bleue’s network!

  7. G_skins31

    I really hope we can bring that late 2000’s early 2010’s vibe back to be bell center. It hasn’t been it’s self the last few years

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