@Montreal Canadiens

Something Special Is Brewing In Montreal…

The Montreal Canadiens are one of the most intriguing teams in the NHL. They have young assets at every position, a rapidly evolving core, and a war chest of draft picks in the upcoming years. Rebuilds take time, but the Laine acquisition signals faith in the locker room. Is this the year the players reward that faith from management, and fans, by making a run at the playoffs?


  1. Let's be honest, Habs aren't doing anything again this year. They will get points, but they won't make the playoffs. (I'll probably bite those words)

  2. Of course they're going to fall short of their aspirations. They're not only not good enough, but they're brittle as hell.

  3. 2:50 you have old stats hes 5'10 now and getting bigger everyday, saw him recently at a golf game the kid is bulking

  4. Habs did extremely well against the best teams last year on mostly 1 good line. They're going to be very tough to beat this year, and in the next 3-4 yrs lookout, this team will be competing for a Cup.

  5. Not expecting playoffs. I do want to see them in the wildcard race till the end of the season. Not be eliminated early. Next season they should get a wildcard spot. Year after that should be winning playoff rounds.

  6. they gonna suck next season
    nah jk their not gonna suck but seriously they will only make the playoffs if their body isnt fragile and scores more instead of 2-3 ot every game and laine will sure change that they lost 20+ games most were by one goals…

  7. Thee big question mark will be ' Is this team going to stay RELATIVELY healthy?' followed by the defense; their ability or perhaps lack of it to keep the puck out puck out of their own net. For the Habs to have a fighting chance of stealing a wildcard spot , they absolutely must give up 40 to 50 fewer goals this season. Not necessarily going to get any easier given the division they are in.

  8. Missing DEmidov and eventually Jacob Fowler. But you never know, the Senators and Sabres, Detriot aren't really any better than us, and Boston and Tampa Bay could be on their way down. Toronto doesn't really impress me, what happens to Marner? Tavares?

    Slaf, Laine, Caulfied, Suzuki could really surprise.

  9. This is a very fair assessment of the team as a Habs fan. I think the Habs are waiting for the entry of Demidov and the eventual falloff of Tampa Bay before they can seriously and consistently get into the Playoffs. I'm still excited for this season though, which should be the last one with no serious expectations aside from general "improvement."

  10. Lets not forget the habs last season without player likw Dach or Laine is the team that lost the most games by only 1 goals with I believe was 27 with Laine 30 goals and Dach 50 pts those could have been 15 or more wins that equal 30 more points AND a playoff spots

  11. A question (and I feel an easy one to ask) I have is: How does this roaster compare to the 2021 SCF team talent wise?
    I think we have much more pure, raw talent this year than when we went to the finals. The major differences being a generational goaltender and some of the best example in leadership in Price, Weber, Gallagher…etc.
    If the young ones rise to their potential and Monty takes a step up this year… we'll be in the race, im sure of it.

  12. Ur wrong on kove he was just there because there was a hole in the défense he is not good or valuable. Savard is our Best defencemen in penalty kills

  13. There are plenty of reasons the team could finish with a better record. There are a few that will call upon fans to stay patient. And if they don't get and stay much healthier, they're turning in circles.

  14. This team this year have the tools . And too be honest. This team will be on the cusp of cracking the top 8 in the east. Barring the injury bug. And the growth developments of our prospect and forwards , defence ,goalies . All of which have high end talent. The Montreal Canadiens are the new kids on the block . Getting ready to explode in every area of stats , becoming one of the most exciting Montreal teams to watch in their history.

  15. BERGEVIN’s management did NOT get them to a cup final, it didn’t even get them into playoffs bruh. Carey Price who’s career got ruined by that clown got them there.

  16. thats a furiously realistic view of the habs!
    They are a real question mark this coming year. Before the Laine trade it was all "it will be the same bottom team one more year because no addition, young core, blahblah"
    but really? You have a team of 80%-ish young players….and most already kept improving so far
    why the roster is not better just from gaining experience?

    cant wait to see how it goes with Laine
    at worst still interesting

  17. All I hear from people is that the habs are really close to a playoff spot. They will be in the mix until the very end. But, they will fall short. Literally that's by far the most commun prediction I hear about them. So, I'm gonna make my prediction that they WILL make the playoffs. Call me crazy or biased I don't care. If most people says they will be close to make it, close by what 4, 6, 8 points? Is it really that unrealistic to think they could get the few extra points that people don't think they can have to get them into the playoffs? I just have a super good feeling about this group of players and management. They are building something special and I think the results could come sooner than expected.

  18. If you want to grow your channel, not making basic mistakes like saying Kovacevic is now in LA would probably go a long way.
    He's a Devil btw.

  19. Here's something about Ottawa. They have been a team that's been thought of as making a jump for a few years and yet only seem to start playing well once a playoff spot becomes a long shot. I'm a bit cautious about the Senators even with an apparent improvement in goal. If they want to make the playoffs, a much better start to the season is a must. Period.

  20. I want them to tank for one more year, as a habs fan I am perfectly OK getting another top 3 pick and then making it to the playoffs when Demidov joins the team.

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