@Minnesota Wild

Marcus Foligno DESTROYS Carl Gunnarsson. April 3rd 2012

Marcus Foligno with a good hard hit on Carl Gunnarsson behind the net.


  1. knowing the sabres.. we want to have a tougher team so ofcourse we will give u Foligno for a good playmaker because we don't have enough fucking playmakers on our team. Just like we did with Kassian lol.

  2. idk wtf him and mcnobb were thinking with big hits and fights. lindy's gonna have to address that shit if they are going to make the roster next year. he will have to show them film of "goooooooose" shying away from any physical play or fight….i love these two kids but i know they will only be ruined over the next few yrs

  3. no i was pretty serious. lindy ruff will take their game away from them over time like he does every player and gaustad was the biggest limp dick in team history. a 6'5" 3rd line center that wouldnt dig in the corners or stick up for team mates (he did at one point but then decided he was a faceoff specialist and couldnt be bothered with the other stuff)

  4. Why is it bad for them to throw big checks and fight? They're rookies. they have to show people who's boss. I say Foligno stays next year, and McNabb. I really doubt he'll take away Marcus and Brayden's games…that's what they do best so why not let them to what they do best….Idk what people were talking about with Kassian having a scoring touch…look at Foligno! The Foligno-Ennis-Stafford line will be in full effect next year too

  5. its great to see some toughness into the lineup. foligno is a up and coming beast of a player.just give us a couple more guys like him.

  6. Love being a sabres fan from Buffalo we will get that cup eventually we have young talented players just need more experience in the nhl

  7. i have been saying fire lindy for yrs so i did just hop on the bandwagon….you think hes the best coach in the nhl??? what proof of that is there? is it his long list of stanley cups? or maybe making the playoffs 6 out of the last 14 seasons in a league where over half the teams make it, thats pretty impressive. and btw he was an assistant coach on a canadien olympic team, he blew the whistle at practice, he had nothing to do with winning the medal. so lets reconsider who the idiot is

  8. typo. those never happen….yea lindy is a real special teams expert. the sabres powerplay is something to watch out for!

  9. it wont let me post the link to the article but as of february last yr they were 20th in the league on the powerplay. good try tho fella

  10. it wont let me post the link to the article but as of frebruary last yr they were ranked 20th on the powerplay. good try tho fella. im glad u lost respect for me…it means a lot for people i dont know on youtube to respect me

  11. yep thats me i have no life thats why i have to look up the stats like where they raned on the power play and couldnt just pull them off the top of my head like the scholar im talking to on youtube. i like how youve just decided that i know nothing about hockey bc im aware that the coach is terrible. people in buffalo need to let go of this love for lindy and actually make strides towards getting better. hes been here for 15yrs it might be time for a change.

  12. this njduqette clearly just has never watched a hockey game…. goose was one of our grit players he always dug in corners and accually got suspended for sticking up for miller and got in fights and had big hits while winning face-offs and scoring goals

  13. gaustad was never suspended for sticking up for anyone…i dont think gaustad has ever been suspended at all. and correction, gaustad USED to dig in corners and fight. he stopped doing that when he decided he was a "faceoff specialist". i watch many hockey games and feel i have a pretty accurate take on what goooooose does and doesnt do. he DOES run and grab nathan horton so he doesnt have to fight lucic.

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