@National Hockey League

Who should get the ‘C’ next for the Anaheim Ducks? 🦆

Who should get the ‘C’ next for the Anaheim Ducks? 🦆

by bluespirit780


  1. notyomamasusername

    Gudas …. Just for the lulz since he’s such a hated player.

  2. spagboltoast

    Bird name guy for captain of bird name team

  3. LogieThePerogie

    Fowler right now but eventually I wouldn’t be surprised if McTavish or Leo carlsson grew into the roll

  4. iwatchtoomuchsports

    Fowler i guess, ducks don’t really have a for sure captain worthy player tbh

  5. JustFred24

    In what world is Gudas in that picture…

    Anyways Fowler

  6. Chance5e

    It would be so funny if Gudas got it. God I love that guy.

  7. awolthesea

    The team’s called the Ducks and they have a player named Fowler? He gets the C no contest, everyone else go home.

  8. Fastsmitty47

    Can Fowler. Gudas being an option is hilarious.

  9. HappyTree_03

    I’d pick Gibson over Gudas for captain😂easy answer is Fowler

  10. Dingusclappin

    Isn’t Gudas only there to beat up smaller players and hide when a bigger player comes on the ice?

  11. HacksawJay

    Mctavish or Fowler , Fowler could be a good stop gap wear it for a year or two and pass it off to mason

  12. vinnygambini235

    If captaincy is about leadership… we know nothing about it, only the people in contact with them in a daily basis would know. Fans have nothing to do with these decisions, to even think the fans have a saying in this is wild to me..

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