@Minnesota Wild

Minnesota Wild 06-07 goal song

The reaction after the Wild tie the Predators 3-3 in the third period. Nov 4, 2006. Wild end up losing 4-3


  1. won't happen. if you know anything about gary bettman, you'd know that he'd rather send the preds to a city like kc to try to expand it's hockey market rather than send one to hamilton that would have a huge hockey market.

  2. Source? Joe Satriani made the song for his album and not exclusively for the Wild. It's no different than a team using the "Hey" song for their goal celebration.

  3. haha Im a Rangers fan, I likes this a lot. Real awesome. Ours is still the best lol.

  4. Wow thats the best song! what hockey team is your favorite? wait i dont care cause they probably suck!The wild rule! GO WILD!

  5. Guess what i dont care! everybody loses a game its only human and were missing people cause their injured. i live in minnesota i'll cheer for them. and then you can cheer for your gay red wings. GO WILD!

  6. When the North Stars were held hostage and stolen outta town by Norm Green (still sucks)
    I became a Red Wings fan. (only because I cannot stomach the Blackhawks) But no longer.

    Minnesota (the whole damn state, not any one city) always has been and always will be Hockeytown USA.

    (Actually Warroad, MN is the true Hockeytown USA long before Detroit started using it)

    Cannot wait for the league to return us to our natual Central Division

  7. Last year. Which consequently was the last time they could make the playoffs. Follow hockey much? rape.

  8. That building is so loud when they score or something good happens. Its so fun going to wild games!!!! GO WILD

  9. Im going to a wild game tomorrow im so so so so so excited. its not my first game though but its just so much fun going!

  10. johal check your facts before you say shit…we have the longest sellout streak.every single home game has been sold out sine the inagural season…over 320 sellouts….look it up

    GO WILD!!!!

  11. I Was at the Game Gaborik Scored 7 Goals or 5 I Belive It was Awesome!
    Minnesota State Of Hockey

  12. TRUE Hockey fans right there. I'm not a fan of the Wild, but I am amazed at the fact that their games are ALWAYS sold out, regardless of if they're good or not.

  13. @MabbaDeeba "I don't want to sound like a dick.."
    xD haha oh man did you really just contradict yourself like that?!! Not thinking Minnesota is that big on hockey… that's like saying your suprised people from Nashville like country music

  14. All right I take back what I said about the Wild not sucking because we do!!! We've got a coach who's in over his head, an inexperienced gm who doesn't know what the hell he's doing, an owner who only cares about making money, and a god awful team with overpayed players with no talent. An 8 game losing streak, are you f***ing kidding me?!?! If we don't make some big time changes this offseason and get at least a couple decent players I say f*** this pathetic excuse of a hockey team!!!

  15. @NessMencesal I love Nashville (due to country music) and the Preds but the only problem I have with Nashville fans is saying "you suck"

  16. 3rd goal of the game! What a rare scoring outburst, oh wait, the game is from 2006, no wonder. 206 goals all of last year, what a team!

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