@Tampa Bay Lightning

#7: best defender

I changed “worst forward”to “best player pre cup era” (93-03) to make it more unique

by deeVeeAre


  1. SirLillyhammond

    I feel bad for guys like Dan Boyle, Roman Hamrlik, Pavel Kubina, Anton Stralman etc… because it’s Hedman

  2. Drouin27Gaming

    Cameron Gaunce and his .80 points per game

  3. TootTootGusBus

    Easiest one out of this entire grid, Hedman.

  4. mishey22

    Andy Delmore jk jk, he never even cracked the lineup

    Victor Hedman

  5. Procedure_Dunsel

    You should have treated this like a free space on a bingo card and just put “77” in it.

  6. Il_Magn1f1c0

    Heddy, duh
    (As much as I want to say McD!)

  7. Basil_Normal

    McDonagh is a better defender than Hedman. Hedman is the best all around defenseman though. Guess it depends how you interpret the question. No one in franchise history I’d rather have on the ice to protect a one goal lead with a minute to go than McDonagh

  8. ToeyGowd

    Am I crazy? McD is a better defender than hedman, hedman just brings way more other things to the table

  9. Chick3n1i1

    Hedman is the best all around.
    But we have been fortunate to have some greats












  10. RustyShackleford1503

    Is it even a question? There have been many good D-men for this team but Hedman is just so superior

  11. trutlesrus

    We already know it’s Hedman and we know the slowest is maroon lol

  12. anwright1371

    Heds… one of the best ever in NHL

    Can we just knock best goalie out too? Some good debates coming up. Heds and Vasy are locked

  13. Allen_Koholic

    The heck does “pre-Cup era” mean?  Is that just the Marty St Louis square?

  14. TampaJeff

    Can we just fill the next 3 with Hedman-Vasy-Point and move on to slowest?

  15. Professional_Rip97

    Hedman is the better defensive player but I actually thing the MacD is the better defender

  16. strokesoflightning

    It’s not Hedman, despite the Norris nominations and win. Those were (MOSTLY) for his offensive production.

    Best defender simply has to go to Ryan McDonagh or Anton Stralman

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