@New York Rangers

Let’s be nice

We haven't even started yet and I'm already so sick of the Trouba hate. (On ig especially)

I like Jacob, but even if you don't like him he's playing, and that's it. You need him to play as good as possible for the teams sake.
People are already spewing vitriol and plan to boo him and such.
Such atitude will hradly help his performance.

I soo hope that he will do good

by Sea_Selection_2950


  1. InternationalAd9682

    He is not a good Captain I will boo him with the rest of NY on the 12th

  2. SuperLarrio-

    Man i sooo fuckin excited (except for you trouba) for hockey to be back!!!

  3. jkman61494

    He selfishly played on a broken down foot that took him down to a mid pair AHL defenseman that was a massive contributing factor to why we didn’t win a Cup

    Yes that’s also on the coach being all old school and refusing to adapt to the situation. But it’s also on the supposed leader of the team refusing to acknowledge the reality that he was a liability and hurt his team.

    There’s nothing heroic looking like ass and being on ice for about 60% of the goals against the last 2 series.

    To note our offensive players also no showed. Seeing Mika bitch out and fake an injury versus fight for a puck in Game 5. Seeing Bread not even try and skate back on a 2 on 1 down 1-0 in Game 6 that made it 2-0. All of that was also unforgivable and really great indicators this core doesn’t have what it takes to win 16 playoff games

    That’s also an indication of the teams leadership that is absolutely setting disastrous mindsets for the younger players that you don’t have to give it all. And as captain, he’s not supposed to be overseeing a locker room with leaders projecting this toxicity

  4. Necdurgogan75

    I expect him to continue to be total shit but I’m still hoping he figures it out because it’s good for the team is he pulls his head out his ass. And I also can’t keep watching him play the way he’s played for the last four years

  5. I will be rooting for him regardless, but I really hope he at the very least absolutely crushes someone within the first couple games.

  6. sully313

    I agree with OP.

    Booing the Captain of the Rangers is like cutting your nose to spite your face.

    Let him play up to our expectation of the C.


  7. The-Pigeon-Man

    I hope he has a good year. I don’t hate him it’s just casualty of the business of trying to win. Good luck Cap!

  8. SilentSaidd

    Anyone who boos him is a bum. He’s not a criminal or a bad guy, he just exercised his right that our gm gave to him. We should instead root for him to have a better season

  9. Trouba has been an awesome player and leader for the team. IMO it was fucked up how easily the fanbase flipped on him bc he was injured and had a rough playoff bc of it. Not to mention Lav could have bumped him down or benched him and didn’t.

    People forget the good things so easily. At the.beginning of last season him and K’andre were absolutely dominant. Not to mention the Trouba train and the helmet throw.

    Hope he has one hell of a of a season to turn the narrative around

  10. bdonnzzz

    I can’t hate on him much when Daniel Jones is right there

  11. TheIncredibleHork

    Opening night I’m intentionally and specifically wearing the Helmet Throw Reverse Retro jersey. As long as he’s on the team (which admittedly will probably not be more than a year) he’s the captain, he’s gonna bust his hump for the team (yes, possibly even when he should sit a game out for health reasons), and I’m willing to give him the chance to show that the back portion of last season was a bad time he’s recovered from.

    Last season is gone. This season starts now.

    Tune up the Celine Dion song, tell Luke to not get penisy, get my seat in section 222 shined up real nice, and let’s fuckin’ go.

  12. Scavenger908

    People need to look at how Trea Turner turned around his season in baseball. Fans were booing him until it came to the point where enough was enough and decided to support him, then he turned it around. It can happen in Hockey too. Y’all can’t always be down on someone.

  13. ancillaryacct

    idk guys, posts like this are truly like, the cornerstone of the reason we wont win a cup.

    i understand its not effective to boo our players. i won’t. the team expressed a desire to move on, and he dug his heels in to stay. thats not how it works. you want to be where they want you. thats not what a captain does. the captain does whats best for the team, even if thats subtracting yourself.

    good teams make hard decisions. this team, this team does not do that. we hire buddies and place nicey nice.

  14. AARP_Rocky

    I think most people don’t hate him so much as they do his contract. Although his play in the ECF was absolutely awful and it’ll be hard to forget.

    I’ll still root for him this year while he’s still a ranger, but he has some work to do as far as getting to a serviceable level of play

  15. I can’t stand how much people are making it personal and hating on the guy for exercising his contractual rights, its taking the focus away from how legitimately trash he is. Then you get the Trouba truthers grouping in the hate/personal attacks with the legit criticism of his heinous play and the absurd decision to not buy him out

  16. Thisusernameisnoone

    I will NOT. That Fanatics branding is repulsive.

  17. whateverdude68

    It’s my contention that no matter what you may say Trouba is not as bad as you idiots think. It’s obvious to any sane person that if you had that bad of a defenseman playing a high number of minutes that it would be 100% impossible to win the president’s cup. Trouba does his job as a second line defenseman playing other top lines. His salary is out of his control and he is a Ranger through and through. You never see him on the ice taking breaks(like kreider does all the time). He always backs up his team in a scrum(unlike quite a few team mates) and he’ll go down to block a shot and put himself at risk anytime it’s warranted. That is captain material. I always thought Fox could be captain until he started that oooo I made a bad play, let me look at the sky while play continues shit.

  18. vgullotta

    Yeah, I gave him shit for his playoff performance, it’s done and I’m over it. New season, time to cheer for the boys.

  19. I hope he proves the naysayers wrong and delivers a solid season.

  20. AdAmazing8187

    Will be bad vibes if we don’t get behind him

  21. Cheesewhale189

    I hope he has a good year too.

    But he wont

  22. Aggravating_Frame597

    I’m not saying there isn’t other/ potentially better defenseman we could get for that money, but I have no problem with Trouba, I’m actually a fan of him, if anything. Hope he has a great season and proves some haters from last year wrong.

  23. i hope he has a good year, but he deserves the hate if he doesnt. he is the biggest reason we lost in those ECFs

  24. TheCrustyIncellious

    Yea bro totally. Cant wait to watch the 8 million dollar traffic cone handle pucks like grenades that are about to explode. Cant wait for his worthless penalties taken. Cant wait to see him pinned in the defensive zone. Cant wait for him to bring down Miller or anyone else that plays with him. This team would have been so much better off without him playing, just like Goodrow, addition by subtraction.

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