@Toronto Maple Leafs

MacKinnon: “Marner ‘gets a lot of flak’ but is one of the best”


Looking forward to the soap opera that will be this season in Leafs-land.

by pr0log39


  1. BaconWrappedEnigma

    Cool. Trade us one of your guys for him.

  2. LostBeneathMySkin

    Everyone but the casual fans know that

  3. MrDavidHasselhoof

    The one thing I can think of that could be a hopeful positive with Mitch this season actually is potentially more offense coming through the D corp that he facilitates through his passing and playmaking.

    I remember several times from the last series where he made a nice pass for a good opportunity for a d man to either get it on net or potentially score. Problem being it was Edmundson or Boosh taking that shot. Now I love those guys for their ability to crush a dude or block a shot, but I wouldn’t call them an offensive dynamo. Having OEL and to a lesser extent Tanev should really help Mitch out when it comes to stuff like that.

    Maybe it’s just me huffing the copium and mixing it with hopium today but hey, ready to get hurt again as per every season.

  4. Sideshift1427

    Fat guys online who can’t skate beg to differ.

  5. BrokenBy

    Great, we’re gonna go from tired: Crosby to Colorado rumours to wired: Marner to Colorado rumours. I hope Nate’s right.

  6. justaperson815

    Moving on from Mitch isn’t a talent issue. It’s about spreading out cap space across the roster.

  7. JuicemaN16

    No one doubts that…. But the Marner hate is alllll about that one portion of the article:

    “However, Marner hasn’t scored in 16 instances of Games 5-7 in the last five campaigns and has just five assists in those contests.”

    That, and his lack of willingness to take any kind of check, to make a play.

  8. Nylanderthals

    Yeah but surely his AAV can’t go as high as yours right Mack?? Right????

  9. specialk554

    Of course he’s amazing. No one questions that. They question if he’s amazing in the playoffs when we need him. And they question if he can perform above his sky high cap hit in the playoffs when we need him.

  10. TheGapInTysonsTeeth

    Absolutely he’s one of the best in terms of skill. No question. Elite, elite player.

    He has no will to overcome any manner of adversity.

    All skill, no will. The Mitch Marner story.

    Save your point totals argument. I’ll care more about that when Mitch stops crying and throwing tantrums every playoffs.

  11. reporter_shinada

    I would hope he’s one of the best because he’s being paid like one of the best. If his production falls off we’re screwed.

  12. emcdonnell

    I think marner has become a scapegoat for the fans. He wasn’t the only guy on the ice last playoffs and he had just come off a serious injury.
    He wasn’t the reason the leafs lost.

  13. overpriced_janitor

    11 mil a year and not pulling his weight when it really matters will get you flak. Marner is great, sometimes.

  14. eightinch

    Remember the rookie Marner that blocked about 3 shots in the last few seconds of a meaningful game to get the win? Do that or a variation of some blue collar hockey and no one will bitch. Play soft and here we are.

  15. OneNutPhil

    Who fucking cares, pen to paper early in the summer would’ve had everyone moving on from this.

    Now we get to have another season clouded by toxic negotiations and threats to leave. Sick.

  16. banddroid

    We know this, he just doesn’t adapt his game to playoff hockey. I don’t know why a fellow player, and likely friend, saying he’s good would cause drama.

  17. Fuzzy_Dunlop24

    Fine, agreed.

    Another 82 game season is going to be a slog for me. Playoff’s can’t come soon enough. The regular season has become meaningless to me and that goes for Marner’s (and the rest of the team’s) accomplishments in it.

  18. krombough

    And he got paid like one of the best, which is why there is so little to spread around.

    In a non salary cap world we could pay Marner the moon and I would applaud it. But we aren’t in that world.

  19. boredinthebathroom

    I’m hoping berube can set him straight

  20. LeafsFan8406

    Why do we need other players to say how good mitch is ? Rational Leafs fan know he is phenomenal and we are lucky to have him. Yea, he needs to step it up in the playoffs. 

  21. northdancer

    There’s nobody else I’d want on my first line on a Tuesday night in February vs the Phoenix Coyotes than Mitch Marner

  22. BathroomSerious1318

    I think it’s his perimeter playoff play. He’d fit well on a team not in the playoffs

  23. AdEnvironmental6033

    Guys love to gas Marner up and not have to deal with him lol

  24. JamesCurtis24

    Leaf fans are very aware of how great a player Mitch Marner is. I’m getting so tired of this narrative popping up.

    This is the contract Marner signed up for. He could have taken closer to 9M, like all of his comparables, but he chose to go for top $, shorter term and full NMC, etc.

    That contract provides you no leeway. I’m sorry. You don’t get to make 11M a year, disappear in the late stages of a series and not catch flack.

    We were okay giving JT the contract he got because it was warranted as an UFA. That’s why he doesn’t get as much flack. Matthews is a generational goal scoring talent that plays the most coveted position in hockey, that’s why he gets a pass.

    Nylander, I believe, has gotten his fair share of criticism and will now more than ever with his big deal.

    Sam Reinhart scores 57 fucking goals and is making under 9 in Florida. Yes, I’m aware of the tax discepancies but also, I don’t give af. Taking that extra cap space hurts the team. And while you’re absolutely entitled to take it, you’re going to face the wrath when you don’t meet expectations.

    Regular season success means fuck all at this stage to a fan base that hasn’t won a cup since 67′ and has had 8 years with this group. You’re getting paid at this stage to have playoff success.

  25. Peasy_Pea

    Gotta keep the Mitch puff pieces coming all year so when he finally signs for 12.5+ people will cope themselves into it being a fair deal

  26. talltad

    I don’t care what MacKinnon says, when we have our best players bitching out Marner on the bench in the playoffs because he’s whining that’s a huge red flag. Marner needs to grow up and be the force that he can be. He’s gifted but has shown he can be invisible in the playoffs these last few years.

  27. lukaskywalker

    Hopefully he empowered mitch to not be a bitch come playoffs. Will be uninterested til Mitch shows he’s stepping up come playoffs.

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