@Buffalo Sabres

Is the NBA becoming a “daddy’s money” league?

Is the NBA becoming a “daddy’s money” league?

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The NBA is having a “Jr.” Revolution – beyond just LeBron James. What does this mean for the league? Find out this time on kipkame11!


  1. The colour of privilege is not white, it's green… 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💰💰💰💰💰

  2. My aau team is free if you volunteer and all the tournaments are free if you need it. There is probably more teams like that in other cities cuz I live in Nashville

  3. Better read up your facts on Mitchell. By no means is he from the trenches.

    That is such poor journalism and it needs to be better if you want subscribers. How many mistakes are there in other videos?

  4. Hell it’s all sports. I ran Cross Country and while it’s relatively low on equipment costs being able to afford nutritional foods and doctors. Our school had better facilities, better equipment and a bigger athletics department thanks to alum, donors etc. All that helped our school rise above the competition and not just me but several of my teammates went onto D1. We worked our asses off and earned them sure but I’ll always wonder how many other kids just had less fortunate situations that otherwise wouldve become elite athletes in their own right.

  5. It should also be important to note that genetics is also a factor. A NBA player is going to be more likely for their kids to be become professional basketball players.

  6. It’s kind of weird. You bring up footie/soccer but in the big leagues clubs scout for talent and help it develop. In places like Germany the club structure goes all the way from neighborhood team to Champions League and is mostly run on a volunteer basis. However, the middle class kids who benefit from the US system are generally underrepresented because parents insist on education over a 1 in 10,000 shot at the big leagues.

  7. Daddy's money is completely valid as long as the kid has talent and lives up to expectations.

  8. Forget sports, forget useless college degrees. Learn a trade, be good at a blue collar skill – I'm content if my kids did that.

  9. I think you can say "raised." "Rose" makes it sound like Donovan's move rose from the dead like jesus.

  10. I mean yeah this is pretty much happening with any sport at the highest level. Especially with sportswear the skills required have become very developed and nearly optimized. Getting optimal coaching in training becomes very expensive very quickly.

  11. Wait, you're saying that the children of rich people have advantages in life? That's exactly why capitalism isn't fair or free at all and that realisation is really nothing new. So what has always been true for society at large has now caught up to bastkeball. Had to happen eventually.

  12. I see you with the yu yu hakusho shirt. Got my boy kuwabara on it. Man of culture gets the like 👍🏾

  13. You cant blame athletes parents for putting them in the best position to succeed. Sports im general has become more expensive. Therefore if you dont have financial backing behind you it is difficult to be noticed.

  14. They should adopt a European sports model of a sports pyramid where people find their natural level within the pyramid. With these professional franchises there are too few opportunities to be professional athletes. It is also more merit based, and people can thrive at different ages. Parents should not be blamed for system's issues.

  15. and a plus is distance no ap europe you move in hours country to country it problably gona take you days to move around is way harder but money is all but the sad part with out money who survives this economy

  16. I have a friend who was in the NFL, he's a great guy, and just doing what he can for his kids…..but his oldest son just got a free ride to a Div I college for football. Because he could afford professional trainers, nutritionists, the best camps, and the best equipment….. That's just a fact.

  17. Donavan Mitchell Jr father is Donavan Mitchell Sr. who was in the MLB 🤣😑 what are you talking about.

  18. Adam Silver is by far the most agreeable league commissioner we have right now. He has actually said things with meaning or implied things arent well, you dont really see that elsewhere with any sort of intent behind it.

  19. This is not new in any way. The NBA is what it has always been. News is just more comprehensive with the internet becoming bigger and more popular.

  20. u from kc? cause bol bol went to my highschool and i literally remember him leaving out of nowhere. bro had a 1.5 GPA. was strictly for hooping.

  21. sorry bud, L take. i watch pro sports to watch the best of the best and whether the best of the best is a nepo baby jr jr jr jr or trailer trash or ghetto from the streets is not relevant. i only care about who is the best. it just sounds like you're crying because you're poor and you only want to see poor people on tv and rich people that eat good food and not deep fried mars bars 7 days a week makes you seethe.

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