@Toronto Maple Leafs

What the F rever is this?

Leafs social profile.
Got a fever? Forever ever?

by FarewellCoolReason


  1. MrDodangles

    Are they telling Reaves to F off? Bold strategy if true

  2. brobourne

    8 o’clock and 10 o’clock removal of Os.

    Could mean something announced on Oct (10) 8th.

    Could mean anything.

  3. The_Kert

    To me it read like something to do with reverse retro jerseys maybe? You’ve got Rever as the first 5 letters of reverse, and then on that last R it reverses.


    Though I’m not sure those are even still a thing so could be way off.

  4. trevlarrr

    Taking a letter away each day until they release this season’s motto… sorry, boring comment, I couldn’t make anything funny from it.

  5. There have been past awareness campaigns where the letters A, B and O have been removed from prominent brand names / street signs etc. to highlight shortages of donated blood. That’s what my money is on here.

  6. TylerBlozak

    Damn everyone’s trying to dissect this like a Beatles album cover lol

  7. mattfromjoisey


  8. Nagy-Fasz

    It’s what happens when you make a Leafs logo using AI


    Rêver means to dream in French. 🤔 Habs are dreaming if they think they’re contenders. Is this just advanced shit talking?

  10. bangnburn

    The Swifties would figure this one out in a few minutes

  11. buddachickentml

    Um. Doesn’t the season kick off Oct 8th?

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