@Vancouver Canucks

Canucks Announce STACKED Youngstars Lineup!

Competitive hockey is only two days away! The Vancouver Canucks have announced their roster for the 2024 Youngstars Tournament in Penticton, and the lineup is full of potential. Today’s video will discuss which prospects to watch this weekend.


  1. Tolopilo for sure
    Elias (Volvo😂) Pettersson
    Lekkerimaki of course

    Those are my look forward to list. Thanks for the content, always look forward to Blueline uploads.

  2. When you are tall and lanky, the reflexes may be a bit sluggish compared to short and stout people. If Tolopilo has good reflexes regardless, now that will be interesting.

  3. Can people stop overusing trending names when they name their kids? We currently have a wave of Connors in the NHL (some great, some good, some forgettable), and I see there are 4 "Ty" players on this roster.. lol.

    1:58 He's grown two inches? Awesome. Now, as long as he can muscle up and fill out a bit more as he develops, have fun playing against him, NHL. He'll be a different kind of Petts.

    4:33 One of the best things about the NHL is that if you are drafted and known to be a weak skater (but other skills are absolutely hot), it's nothing for a team to take on that player as a project with a skating coach. I think Horvat benefited from that years ago.. HAHA, I hit "resume" and the narration proceeds with, " Horvat's were." lol

    I hope Bains makes the other teams look like toddlers. When I saw him play for the Rebels here in Red Deer, he already looked like a man among boys when he was on the ice. I hope he has another level to him, because he could be a SOLID middle six forward.

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