
1,000 & 1,500 games played milestones within reach in 2024-25

1,000 & 1,500 games played milestones within reach in 2024-25

by nhl


  1. katiecatalyst

    Backlund’s about to reach 1000 games, all played with the Flames! We love #11.

  2. BananApocalypse

    Hey Philly, can you please go ahead and scratch Erik Johnson 5 times so he gets his 1000th game against the Avs on Nov. 18th?

  3. For Suter to play 56 games with the Blues next year, I’m inclined to believe that’s a negative indication of how the season goes for St Louis.

  4. fillyflow

    Hands up if you were totally confused to see the NSH icon beside Schenn’s name.

  5. Excellent-Medicine29

    Kane definitely isn’t reaching that this year

  6. It would be nice if Couture could piece together 67 games over the next 3 seasons. I worry his injury might make that impossible.

  7. Trevor Lewis is a name I couldn’t put on a team even on a gun point and the guy has played most of his career in one team.

  8. Mediocre-you-14

    Hot take, but I dont think 1,000 games is as impressive anymore.

    Obviously you need good health and longevity still to get to 1,000. However, players get to start their career so much younger now. Teams like to get their top prospects in the NHL straight away rather than sending to the minors for multiple years. Also the players are much more health conscious and can really slow down their body deteriorating.

  9. PooShauchun

    This is a nice list to make me feel old as fuck on this fine Thursday afternoon.

  10. Thudson96

    I’ve said this before, they should get a badge for their jersey for 1,000 games.

  11. tie-dyeSandwhich

    Seguin would be well past it if it weren’t for the last couple of years. Guy has had some THE worst luck, injury-wise, the past few years. 2018-19 was the last time he played a full season

  12. OrganicRedditor

    Seguin needs 31. Craig Smith needs 32. Sad Smith isn’t still with Stars for this. Good luck to both!! Suter too! 56 more for 1500 games!! What a beast!

  13. WindyHasStormyEyes

    Damn good job to Trevor Lewis. Way to grind out 1,000 games.

  14. trumpet_godd

    Very cool that Kulikov will hit 1000 after coming back to the panthers

  15. MarshmallowLuka

    I don’t know why, but I thought demon eyes had retired

  16. Uggone65

    Imagine ovi hitting the 1500 and the goal record on the same night

  17. shanster925

    I can’t believe, but totally love that Luke Schenn is about to hit 1000. When he was in Toronto the first time, it looked like an absolute disaster and the JvR trade was a fleecing on the Leafs’ end

  18. Either-Regret-2701

    Matt Martin with 955 games played could reach it

  19. geossica69

    is trevor lewis a real player? ive legit never heard of him before

  20. Willing-Bear4862

    1000 seemed like a crazy number to achieve, no with such a huge pool of players it’s not as special.

    Don’t get me wrong, big accomplishment, but not what it once was.

  21. DumpsterGravy

    I consider myself a very knowledgeable hockey fan and watch at least 50 games per year.
    But who the fuck is Craig Smith and how’d he get to 928 games?

  22. WackHeisenBauer

    Both Schenns almost there. I still feel like they both just got in the league.

    I am so old.

  23. deschamps93

    Did not know OEL has played that many games

  24. It’s a shame the schedule didnt line up… would have been cool to see Myers and Schenn play their 1000th game against each other as ex teammates.

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