@New York Islanders

Joe Finley vs Matt Martin Jan 14, 2012

Joe Finley vs Matt Martin from the Buffalo Sabres at New York Islanders game on Jan 14, 2012.


  1. Two grown men choosing to settle their differences in their field of work (remember this IS SOMEONE'S JOB). Who are we too take away their right to choose how to handle THEIR own disagreements?

  2. @julianlover195 I'm pretty sure he is straight. I just get fed up with the asinine comments to the contrary typically made by people who are insecure with their own sexuality.
    So, personal experience ey?

  3. @khav11 yea well a lot of people beat laraque. That's like saying Darren Langdon is tougher than laraque cause he beat him. Or peters is tougher than shelley. It's 1 fight dude. Makes no sense…..According to ur "logic" that mean robyn regehr is tougher than mitch fritz. Plus, Fritz doesn't even play anymore. Pay attention dude.

  4. My little bro played jr with Martin and i never thought he was anything special …two years later he is in the N… guess there is something to say for hard work

  5. @4honors I'm sorry that you feel that way. Actually, I am a male. This is inevitable from the fact that I have XY sex chromosomes. As far as the strength in character implied by the physical violence of these men, it actually signifies a blindness to the bigger picture. They are willing to hurt each other over a game. With respect to all the problems in the world, the outcome of the game is trivial. Don't fool yourself into thinking violence signifies strength 😉

  6. @alwayslistening4444 people are willing to hurt/kill each other over a hell of alot less ie. religion, nationality, race….. were animals and its survival of the fittest, same goes on the ice. dont get all preachy about hockey because if you dont like just dont watch or participate. hell go play in a non-contact league. its not just a game its called glory, througout history many have battled, fought, and died for it. so dont tell me that it is trivial.

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