@Montreal Canadiens

Emil Heineman/Jared Davidson Goals/Things Get Heated After a Bit of a Cheap Shot on Hutson – Part II

Emil Heineman scored, Mailloux and Farrell with the assists, followed by Jared Davidson, Reinbacher with an assist with Mesar getting the play started.

Goal Against 0:43
Heineman Goal 3:18
Davidson Goal 4:17
Hutson Cheap Shot 12:30


  1. Habs looking like they might do some damage this season. Hutson better keep his head up. Fair hit. Tell me one of the Xhekaj's wouldn't make that same hit

    Additional edit: Upon rewatching a few times, you can see Finnie's right arm is down. Perhaps 'fair' isn't the right word. It is an interference penalty for sure, but what I'm saying is these hits happen. Finnie was already going for it regardless. He was definitely caught running around like Tom Wilson would. It isn't a Marchand type move, which he always gets away with for some reason. Good to see the habs and leafs respond! We're almost back to hockey 🙂 I couldn't be happier

  2. hahaha leafs supposedly don't have any projects, montreal supposedly have the best prospects and the leafs beat them twice

  3. Did you miss the cheap shots from MTL on Minten by Reinbacher , what a dirty little POS!
    Then that hit from behind behind the TML net that led to a fight with of course the dirty POS part 2 of the no skill Xhekaj goon brothers!
    Great show there MTL if you can't win at least try to hurt the other team!

  4. the reffing was horrible. That punk that hit Hutson with the cheap hit will get payback. Logan should have fought, what he did was dumb.

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