@San Jose Sharks

BLACK ICE! Been searching for years!

BLACK ICE! Been searching for years!

by randomusername3000


  1. randomusername3000

    These Black Ice Reebok fashion jerseys came out in 2011 which was before I got into collecting. They were rare at the time and almost impossible to find since. I’ve been watching ebay and facebook market place for a few years, finally this one popped up locally for $60! Pretty stoked, only wish it was Thornton instead of Niemi but it’s my size and in very good condition, so I have no complaints!

  2. Hammer_Slicer

    Miemi….there’s a throwback, too.

  3. KtuluLoveCheese

    I have a Jumbo one. It’s my favorite

  4. Express_Set275

    I have Pavs, I originally wanted Marleau but they didn’t have my size. To date my most favorite Black jersey/sweater and the only one with a player name.

  5. Cody645

    Super nice! Those styles are a pain to find! I don’t have one in my collection yet.

  6. byfuryattheheart

    There is no better feeling than finally finding THE jersey you’ve been searching for for years.

    That said, funny timing because I’m about to list a ton of my jerseys for sale. One of which is the Thornton black ice. Definitely looking for more than $60 though 🤣

  7. Dopaminehistory

    I have an Thornton captain black ice but I unfortunately got it when I was 12 and I’m now 21 so it doesn’t fit me anymore.

  8. Gmbowser

    These r so sought after. I have one but a bruins one and i almost got a leafs one too.

  9. moldysloth78

    I have a black ice Pavelski! My first purchase with my first paycheck. Siiiick Niemi jersey

  10. Melkman68

    I don’t remember these back then. But now I want one!

  11. These were oddly hated at the time. I always thought they were pretty cool.

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