@Toronto Maple Leafs

On the farm with Easton Cowan: How a life of hard work has prepared Maple Leafs prospect for NHL

On the farm with Easton Cowan: How a life of hard work has prepared Maple Leafs prospect for NHL

by GooseRider960


  1. GooseRider960

    Fuck me six ways to Sunday; if this doesn’t get you fired up and ready to run through a wall, I don’t know what will. Cowan’s such a fucking character with no shortage of work ethic. Dude is going to become a fan favourite so fucking fast.

    Can’t wait to watch Cowboy Cowan shoot six right through Swayman’s five cheese with his big iron and stare down the Boston crowd right after. What a goddamn beauty.

  2. CMDRShepardN7

    All that hard work is paying off. MLSE will be ready to make him and his family very wealthy people.

  3. brobourne

    Awesome article. I’m all in on Cowan being on the team this year

  4. ProgramFrequent6947

    What a fucking unit!! Hope his hard work gets him to the show this year, really liking what I’ve seen so far in the prospect games.

  5. crushade

    High praise in that article, comparing him to Wendel Clark. Same height, Cowan does have a heavy shot too, and has snarl in his game.

    Never thought of Wendal to compare him to, and that’s a lot to try to live up to. We’d be lucky if he turns into even half the player Clark was. Going to be fun to watch him develop!

  6. TrickyDicksGhost

    He’s a fucking farm boy.

    Build the gad damn statue now, I’m all in baby.

  7. LimestoneLeaf

    All I could think while reading this is that this is the kind of guy that Leafs fans will love.

  8. XPhazeX

    >with serious shades of former Maple Leafs captain Wendel Clark in his game

    Into my veinnnnsssss

  9. leafs1985

    Cowan and Knies as a future line combo is going to be a PROBLEM for other teams for years to come.

    Let’s fucking Go.

  10. fancypants55

    Wild how everyone laughed at the pick. Starting to look like a steal 

  11. Blue_KikiT92

    I love this kid. We must protect him at all cost. 💙

  12. Hoardzunit

    If and when he breaks over 6ft he’s going to be even more unstoppable.

  13. consolidatedBD

    He wants to be the next Nazem Kadri. I think we should let him.

  14. octobersons

    Grew up in my tiny home town, same with Wild prospect Hunter Haight.

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