@Philadelphia Flyers

NHL Rule Updates for the season

by zanothium


  1. Perryplat199

    Quick question. You know r/flyers allows regular link posts right? Just cuase I notice when you post a link it’s usually a text post with link copy/pasted into instead of making a post with the link embedded as part of the post.

  2. scrnlookinsob

    Good changes, but the worst rule in all of sports still exists, assessing a penalty for a failed challenge is awful.

  3. Exzrian_Artistrana

    Not too big on the new icing calling, but I’m not super upset about these overall!

  4. Big_Acanthocephala14

    Is there a non video version? Who watches videos

  5. BanDelayEnt

    Here are the rules changes:

    1. Coach’s challenge now can be used to remove penalty for Delay of Game by hitting puck out of play from D zone, if it’s clear it wasn’t.

    2. No line change allowed by defensive team if the D team accidentally dislodges the net.

    3. After icing, offensive center receives 1 warning for faceoff violation (apparently only D center got that before).

    4. Players sitting on the boards (in “field” of play) will get a bench minor on second occasion after one warning.

    5. When G is removed for medical reason, replacement G can take warm-up shots.

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