@New Jersey Devils

[Nichols] #NJDevils Fitzgerald on his thought process when identifying quality people to sign/trade for this summer: “No dickheads.”

by Bigblueforlife


  1. I’m not going to disagree with that statement

  2. SerPownce

    Love it. Plenty of quality folks in the league to be wasting time and money on liabilities or bad energy

  3. BillyJayJersey505

    Is this a passive aggressive jab towards Mercer?

  4. HiddenMoney420

    Isn’t that the opposite of what the Bruins do?

    I remember last year they said something like ‘we want all the biggest assholes in the league’

    I like the Devils’ process better as long as they’re not soft on the ice

  5. xxfatpigxx

    Based GM Fitz is the best. Could you imagine Lou saying this?

  6. falaris

    Absolutely. No amount of skill or points can make up for the cancer you bring into a locker room in a team sport.

    Really can’t think of any championship team that had a locker room which was majorly divided or had a player the rest of the guys hated.

  7. MangoJuice82

    Putting the Milan Lucic rumors to rest.

  8. rockthered24

    He gave McLeod a contract. Guess he learned

  9. Armageddon24

    I’m so happy hockey is coming back

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