@Vancouver Canucks

This is Hoglander’s birth place, Bocktrask, Sweden. Only 20 people live in this region with no ice rinks for hundreds of km’s. Kind of amazing he managed to make it to NHL.

This is Hoglander’s birth place, Bocktrask, Sweden. Only 20 people live in this region with no ice rinks for hundreds of km’s. Kind of amazing he managed to make it to NHL.

by WolfOfPort


  1. mcdonaldsfiletofish

    Swear there’s been a Petey interview where he jokes about Hogs’ country bumpkin backgrounds

  2. AwJebus

    Knowing how random towns in Sweden can produce talent like crazy, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s like the 5th best player from Bocktrask.

    Just look at Örnsköldsvik: The Sedins, Naslund, Forsberg, Hedman…

  3. Apparently there isn’t a wiki page for it and google describes it as a human settlement.

  4. perfect5-7-with-rice

    I’d imagine northern Sweden has lots of natural ice…

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