@Philadelphia Flyers

[O’Connor] Torts confirms that the power play was a focus this summer. Said that all of Dany Heatley, Patrick Sharp and John LeClair, among others, were involved, along with Danny Briere and of course PP coach Rocky Thompson. Torts says they’re going to have those meetings monthly.

[O’Connor] Torts confirms that the power play was a focus this summer. Said that all of Dany Heatley, Patrick Sharp and John LeClair, among others, were involved, along with Danny Briere and of course PP coach Rocky Thompson. Torts says they’re going to have those meetings monthly.

by StubbornLeech07


  1. upcan845

    If you need to bring in a whole committee to fix the powerplay, maybe that says you shouldn’t have retained the powerplay coach

  2. CIearSights

    Rocky must have some kind of Diddy dirt on the organization with how he hasn’t been fired yet 

  3. Big_Acanthocephala14

    Drysdale and Frost on the point. Tippet in the Ovi spot Konency in front of the net and Michkov wherever he wants to be. This is the way

  4. Bhut_Jolokia400

    If the PP is anything like 2023 I’m afraid that a monthly meeting won’t nearly be enough. 1-3-1 gives 5 options to PP1

    York Top

    Michkov Right Hash

    Konecny Center Hash

    Tippet Left Hash

    Laughton Crease

  5. Own_Result3651

    Since when did the all star himself Mr. 50 in 07 join the organization?

  6. Own_Result3651

    Since when did the all star himself Mr. 50 in 07 join the organization?

  7. hatylotto

    It shouldn’t be this hard… should it? Monthly meetings? Really?

  8. Evergreen1055

    It blows my mind that Rocky Thompson is still employed by this organization. The guy probably never played a single minute on the PP his entire professional career. Yet somehow he is our PP coach.

  9. The_Flyers_Fan

    Danny Heatley is a fuckin’ all star

  10. Traumopod

    How come all the other NHL teams can do
    It without a committee? Just bring up Bumper Bonk !

  11. Peeter_With_2_Es

    Monthly?! If it starts off slow again it better be an every day thing till it’s fixed. Absolutely killed this team last year having all our momentum shut down every PP

  12. SadYotesFan

    “Our powerplay is dead last again”


  13. scratchydaitchy

    Only 2 mainstays on PP1 this year.

    TK – your highest scorer who just signed an 8 year deal, currently on a no move.

    MM – the prince who was promised.

    They can mix and match every one else till they find what works. Honestly I don’t care if Hathaway, Poehling and Cates are on PP1 as long as it’s working.

  14. geossica69

    this sounded good until i read rocky thompson

  15. Flyerastronaut

    I wish i had the job security Rocky Thompson enjoys

  16. EarthBelcher

    I want job security like Rocky Thompson.

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