@Montreal Canadiens

[Arpon Basu] Lane Hutson blue line to blue line saucer pass about 15 feet in the air on the tape to Emil Heineman for a breakaway. The crowd ooohed and aaahed.

[Arpon Basu] Lane Hutson blue line to blue line saucer pass about 15 feet in the air on the tape to Emil Heineman for a breakaway. The crowd ooohed and aaahed.

by mikegimik


  1. bleedgreen204


  2. TheIdentifySpell

    Can’t wait for the Basu & Godin notebook to start up again, I’m so sick of Marinaro but I need my Habs fix

  3. AmsroII

    Lane train has arrived at the station. Next stop, Calder!

  4. popejohnlarue

    No no, it’s all hype because remember Ryan Poehling…. /s

  5. FormalWare

    I have been sold – lock, stock, and barrel – on Express Lane since he was drafted. But I wasn’t prepared for this level of vision and passing; I thought he was a “puck hog” (in all the best ways).

    This guy is going to have a career for the books.

  6. Typical_Award_499

    the glaze on Lane needs to take a little step back , he’ll be a great defender but even if he finishes a top 4 D it’s still a steal I can already see the RDS pannel going full schizo(which most of the fan base rely on and take their info from) if he isn’t a number 1 D in the league, Reinbacher will be much more efficient and vital in giving us a Stanley cup than Lane Hutson and yet we don’t hear a thing about him…

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