@Colorado Avalanche

Giving away my tickets for tomorrow’s preseason opener

I unfortunately can't make it to tomorrow's opener so thought I'd just give them to someone here who wants to go. I have two seats.

The seats are first row, center ice on the lower railing towards the Avs attack twice side–nobody in front of you or behind you (345/1/3-4).

If you're interested then just respond here and I'll do a raffle after like an hour and DM you if I pull your name.

Lastly, I don't make it to all the games during the season so if you're interested in a certain game and want to avoid the extra fees that come with Ticketmaster let me know!

view from seats

*Mods, I couldn't find the Tickets sticky yet but lemme know if there's a better way to do this and I can repost there

by cornuc0pia


  1. Zebulon420

    Definitely interested šŸ˜ ready for some hockey!

  2. cubluemoon

    My sister and I would love the tickets!

  3. madproof

    How can there be no one in front of you or behind you? I thought the lower section had 3 rows.

  4. PossessionGlad4638

    Dude this would be sick! I went randomly to the last game last year and it’s be tight to go to the first one this year

  5. ObiWan_Cannoli_

    Iā€™ll throw my name in! You rock!

  6. Grubauer

    Iā€™m interested but would trade my tickets for Sunday against Utah

  7. supadave302

    Iā€™m half Canadian so hockey is in my blood Pick me please

  8. cornuc0pia

    So full transparency: I waited 90 minutes and had 12 people interested and put all the names in a hat and pulled out BigGoofyBC’s name.

    I’ll do this again if I can’t make any other preseason games, otherwise like I said feel free to hmu for games during the season. Go Avs!

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