@National Hockey League

Meanwhile Tony DeAngelo in Saint Petersburg

Meanwhile Tony DeAngelo in Saint Petersburg

by MaterialRelative6224


  1. Karde47

    Fuck Russia

    Fuck Putin

    Fuck the KHL

    …and Fuck Tony DeAngelo.

  2. gooch_norris_

    Is she speaking English and the Russian is dubbed over it?

  3. GoalieFatigue

    He’ll fit right in over there, comrade!

  4. gerhardsymons

    I admire Tony DeAngelo’s ability to operate in the world unencumbered by a notion of morality.

  5. skruf21

    I’m a bit out of the loop with the NHL. I remember him having a decent playoffs with the Hurricanes not that long ago. He’s only 28. What happened here?

  6. Indyfan200217

    Can that lady fill in on Red Wings pregame/post game when Keats wants a night off??

  7. Entire_Ad_9752

    Let’s see this dude try and get political over there

  8. DopeOllie

    Is it wrong that I dig that track jacket?

  9. LarryTheLobster710

    TDA living rent free in your head is priceless

  10. Earwaxsculptor

    I wonder if he was able to read Ryan Whitney’s Player’s Tribune article about his experience playing in Russia.

  11. betweenthecastles

    Apparently that’s Vasili Ponomarev’s wife, and these two know each other from Carolina. Which is just odd.

  12. LuckyAreWe

    Didn’t get an nhl contract? Here’s some Salt Bread for those wounds

  13. Manaze85

    Something about the way the camera quality makes it look like this was done in front of a green screen on a studio set for a sketch comedy. Was this actually at a live arena?

  14. donny02

    Did this guy never read game of thrones?? He is in danger!

  15. TheGreatPervSage_94

    I’m new to hockey
    But D’Angelo is not going to improve SKAs defense lol

  16. JiveChicken00

    I feel a little better about the United States knowing that Tony DeAngelo is no longer in it.

  17. AlpineSK

    KHL is quickly turning into the US Penal League.

  18. PBP2024

    Look at eyes, look at bread, look at eyes, look at eyes, look at bread

  19. lymnaea

    Got to say, I’m a big fan of Russian Ron McLean

  20. 1SqkyKutsu

    “Dip it in the polonium,….. Errrrr I mean, the salt”

  21. Fleganhimer

    “Eat it for good luck”

    Translation: For the best season in SKA history

  22. Calgarychokes

    Tony and Russia both suck so they’re fit for each other

  23. LeviticSaxon

    No one does women like russia does women.

  24. Bread dipped in salt “for good luck” is the most Russian shit in the world.

  25. askariya

    I’m happy no NHL team gave this cringe and racist creature a contract.

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