@Edmonton Oilers

Top 10 Leon Draisaitl Plays from the 2021 NHL Season

Counting down the top ten highlight-reel plays in 2021 from Edmonton Oilers star forward Leon Draisaitl

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  1. Sigh it's August 2021, I miss hockey 🏒 so pumped for this season to get started with all the new acquisitions…

  2. Most underrated star in the NHL. He repeated his Hart, Lindsay, Ross winning year this season and no one even noticed

  3. Wenn das DEB team mal alle ihre stars bei einer WM an board hätte , wären Nationen wie Schweden , USA und Finnland kaum noch gegner für uns

  4. Now this is what I call fun to all the haters out there hating on Hockey then watch these Highlights you will fall in love with the game

  5. For people saying he is carried by McDavid and is overrated… He was a 3RD OVERALL pick for a reason

  6. The German Gretzky has struck again! Other than Lemieux & Jagr no one can score 4 degree angle shots without any deflections. Also one of the best passers in the NHL. Btw if you still think Draisaitl is being carried by McDavid then you need therapy.

  7. ich hoffe so das der mal so krass gecheckt wird das er niemehr laufen kan 😅😂🤣👍,ich hasse den typen so, wieso ist das nur ein deutscher🤢🤮

  8. ich habe auch das gefühl das die nhl eifach zu krass überbewertet wird,wie kann das sein das so einer topscore ist… 🤣😂😅 es ist ja nicht mal erster april.. omg🤢🤮

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