@National Hockey League

made this for a school project, about a approach to expansion, would like to hear your thoughts on it?

made this for a school project, about a approach to expansion, would like to hear your thoughts on it?

by Primary-Theme6763


  1. Primary-Theme6763

    so my teacher has never watched hockey so his feedback wasn’t great… hoping you can share your thoughts on it?

  2. Crakkerz79

    There simply isn’t enough money and corporate support to land all the those Canadian cities. Quebec, maybe. Windsor…long shot. Highly doubt the others.

    Keep in mind the price to start a franchise is in the billions.

    Atlanta I can see. Arizona again probably. Indianapolis? Interesting. Not sure about any of the others. The biggest slam dunk was missing: Houston.

  3. As a school report, it was great. A few grammatical errors, and overuse of “it makes sense” but otherwise very nice. Great graphics, nice presentation.

    As an actual argument for expansion, you’re missing the point of expansion. The point is to grow viewership so they can charge more for TV rights, so the expansion team has to generate more revenue than it takes from the existing teams to increase all existing teams’ bottom line. This is why you will never see a team in Quebec. The NHL already has those viewers, giving them a team just dilutes the current earnings, it doesn’t increase them. Next, to fill the arena, you need corporattions to purchase season tickets. The cost of tickets is out of reach for most families now and aside from the nose-bleed seats, all the seats are owned by season ticket holders, mostly corporations. Small markets like the atlantic provinces don’t have enough rich companies willing to buy season tickets, and they already watch hockey. The only place that makes sense is in the US north west. North of colorado and between Seatle and Minnesota is where the next team will be; if there is a city big enough to support a team.

  4. QuinnDiesel43

    Nice job 👍 You should be proud of your work

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