@Toronto Maple Leafs

Tough Call’s take on the Patrik Laine and Cedric Pare collision.

Tough Call’s take on the Patrik Laine and Cedric Pare collision.

by EraOfForcedDiversity


  1. CapitalTip4915

    That’s ROUGH

    Very unfortunate I’m sure everyone was looking forward to his season

  2. tempered_martensite

    Glad to see a sensible take on this. The r/hockey thread is convinced it’s the dirtiest knee extension in the history of the game

  3. crushade

    Yep that’s about right. Sucks it happened. I was really hoping for the best for Laine.

    I saw a lot of shit takes about how Paré did something egregious but I don’t see it that way.

    Also, Xhekaj was big dumb for his antics too. He’s allowed to try and get his pound of flesh but not if the other player doesn’t reciprocate. I also don’t think Paré did anything that would have required him to fight either.

  4. DarkAgeMonks

    Yeah that’s how i saw it. Speedy recovery Laine.

  5. LopsidedKick9149

    Unfortunate play that looked completely unintentional. Sadly hockey has some of if not the dumbest fans and most don’t know hockey so they see this as an explicit act to end a career.

  6. Natural_Treat_1437

    He drove himself into it. No call…..

  7. Logical-Bit-746

    Exactly what I have been saying in the other threads. Leads with the upper body, changes direction to follow the player, skate edge moves the knee outwards, not forward. It’s so unfortunate, Paré probably needs to answer the bell for the sake of it, but it’s not a penalty, nevermind one of the worst penalties in the last 5 years (actually said on r/hockey)

  8. GiveMeAdviceClowns

    Habs fans are far more delusional than Leafs fans. End of story. However, was Pare targeting Laine and premeditated it – that’s farfetched and it seems like r/hockey and Habs fans are making it out as such.

  9. trillestBill

    Habs fans wishing for Matthews to get injured, calling it the dirtiest player in years. Jesus, get a grip

  10. labadee

    There are a lot of leaf fans farming karma on /r/hockey saying Pare is a classless piece of s***. I also had no idea who Pare was until recently

  11. Pleasant-Set-1139

    Laine crossing the opponents blue line with his head down trying to stick handle through two players. There’s never a happy ending to that situation.

  12. Commercial-Kick-5539

    Dude is literally standing at the blue line and Laine skates directly into him. The only reason for this emotional reaction is because it was a Leaf player and because it was Laine who people feel bad for (rightfully) due to so much shit happening to him.

  13. Sarge1387

    r/hockey is losing their marbles over this…simply because it was a Leaf.

  14. tremblate

    I had a session of trade school with this guy. He is fair, objective, and sensible, and he absolutely loves hockey. To anyone claiming homerism, the buds aren’t his team.

  15. JohnYCanuckEsq

    Oh, I absolutely don’t believe this was intentional. It’s a skill issue. Pare was caught flat footed and not prepared for the speed of a real NHL player and did anything he could to prevent Laine from getting past him.

  16. captainbelvedere

    A ‘hockey play’ moment if ever there was one.

    It will be awful in Laine misses an extended period of time due to this.

  17. HeyMarty10thalready

    It was unfortunate when Perry kneed JT in the head too

  18. BadInfluenceGuy

    I said this in multiple threads, as a large guy. When you skating your strides are very wide to shift weight to move forward faster. Laine god dam left leg regardless if Pare shifted his weight more left. Would have spun out regardless. His left leg is still in the middle section of Pare. Even on the retraction of the leg, his going 10-20mph? And he wants to retract that left leg with less than half a mter in space. Like I said laine collided with Pare not the other way around.

  19. reporter_shinada

    This was a million times cleaner than the knee that KO’d Tavares.

  20. Faifainei

    Laine put himself in a vulnerable spot with a legwork like that. You could even argue he just skates into leafs player as pare looks to be stationary. Was it a clumsy hit attempt that warrants a penalty? Yes. But it is hard to argue it should be more than that if I am being honest.

    Gutted for Laine. Was really rooting for him to have a bounceback after everything he has been through. Hope it is anything too serious but it looks bad ngl.

  21. Odd_Leg814

    Just like the knee to Tavares head a few years ago…shit happens. Neither play was dirty, but the consequences are pretty huge. To see this and then turn around and say your team should target the leafs and arguably the leagues top offensive player in Matthews is ridiculous. Fuck around and find out though I guess, if the do that the league is going to come down HARD.

  22. brownmagician

    Not that this means anything at all, because injuries happen, I just happen to remember when a habs player (was it gionta?) concussed James reimer and he was never the same after that either.

    Never want to see a guy get hurt though my only point is we fans have definitely been on the other side of this.

  23. lukaskywalker

    Laine left his leg wayyy out there

  24. uncleherman77

    Brutal. The way this pre season is going I don’t want to see any of the core 4 on the ice until game 1 of the regular season.

  25. heyheyitsjohny

    Isnt it ironic Pares name sounds like someone we know. Perry? Diff is he didnt throw an “accidental” flying knee to their Captain

  26. 123jazzhandz321

    Hindsight being 20/20, this should have been a penalty. When a player accidentally trips another player they’re assessed a minor penalty for it the same should be considered for this play. This at least is a hockey play, Pare goes in for a hit and Laine goes to evade the hit instead of bracing for contact with a standard check. I feel for him, but unless you’re McDavid you shouldn’t expect to evade that check without seriously risking your body. The same can’t be said for Xhekaj’s case, nothing about what he did would be deemed a legal hockey play. I’d almost prefer Pare being targeted by borderline checks than whatever took place. Jumping Pare gave off major Moore/Bertuzzi vibes and it was scary to watch. Now if you want to argue that Pare should have initially answered the bell and fought Xhekaj I could listen to that argument. Honestly, I think Pare should have agreed and take a punch and turtles much like Perry did after the kneeing incident that happened in the 2021 playoffs.

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