@National Hockey League

Pittsburgh Penguins Statement on Cancelled Game in Detroit (Didn’t Fly due to Plane Malfunction)

Pittsburgh Penguins Statement on Cancelled Game in Detroit (Didn’t Fly due to Plane Malfunction)

by Commandant1


  1. Twisty96

    Someone should have told them that penguins are flightless birds.

  2. neverinamillionyr

    I don’t like the Penguins much but better safe than sorry. The hockey world has seen enough tragedy this season.

  3. GrumpyLad07

    Pittsburgh fans ought to get themselves some Red Wings.
    Better all round.

  4. olpec22

    Already stacking the man (and plane) games lost to injury count.

  5. Odd-Elderberry-6137

    If only there were things like team buses that could transport players to and from games.

  6. BehemothManiac

    33 year old Delta 757 said “Not today”.

  7. Ox1A4hex

    Lmao so are they rescheduling the game or what?

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