@Carolina Hurricanes

r/hockey Survivor Round 29

Successfully eliminated the Ducks. I think it is time to eliminate the Minnesota Wild/Mild. This is the last elimination vote.

by Nilzy16


  1. getdemstocks29

    Is there a link to this on r hockey? Wanted to see what teams other people were talking about eliminating

  2. NedThomas

    Iā€™m happy to see the Kraken survived as well.

  3. DoubleualtG

    Seems like we have to make sure we ā€œall love BJsā€ tomorrow (not that we donā€™t today haha) or we become a ā€œbunch of jerksā€

  4. jbwhite99

    Seeing the Minnesota posts and then Brent Burns tags. Where was Burns drafted!?

  5. bwaredapenguin

    Can someone ELI5 why we’re all in on the BJs and not our own team?

  6. TheRealWeedfart69

    Iā€™m sad to see my neighbors to the north go. However, itā€™s a sacrifice Iā€™m willing to make to get second place.

  7. SchrodingersHipster

    Banished to Lake Wobegon. The power of powdermilk compels you.

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