@Ottawa Senators

An example of a perfect tackle in rugby



  1. This tackle is good, when you have a big forward running at a high speed. And we all know u can’t run without ur legs

  2. Sure if you wanna get a heel to the face!!! That wasn't a perfect tackle or anything close to it! It was a desperate tackle there is no perfection in desperation

  3. That's not a perfect tackle WHATSOEVER. He wraps his arms around the ball carrier's knees. 70% of all major rugby injuries occur to the tackler and it's due to tackling below the hips by wrapping arms around the legs. It's a stupid way to tackle. Tackles should be made above the waste and blow the chest with proper wrap around of the arms.

  4. Hmm dodgy technique and not as reliable as going in hitting him buttock/thigh region and grabbing his legs but you do see this used more often these days, look at how quickly he got up ready to steal. Least it's better than grabbing his jersey.

  5. Poor tackle… he launched from too far… he needed one more step tp be same shoulder same front foot side

  6. As a rugby coach… This is absolutely not a perfect tackle. This is a receipe for concussion even though it is an acceptable tackle if the defender is late. The tackle would be a lot better if his waiting position was better. His weight is on the back of his feet (because he stopped his movement as he got lured by the attacker since he was looking at the attacker's face or at the ball instead of looking at his legs or focusing on his body core). Basically the tacle itself is not completely wrong, but he is late and almost got outran, because of his defending stance and wrong focus.

  7. what a shit comment section. everything that's wrong with rugby today. Each and every contact is different. Get lost you bastards, great tackle mate. Bloody perfect.

    A perfect tackle would be like a mid level hit that popped the ball out by the try zone and your team picked it up and scored lol

  9. Yea keep your hands in Hit Wrapp Drive , but always more importantly bring them down and watch the offloads

  10. You did a good job to get him down after the step but this is not a textbook tackle, shoulder first

  11. False statement. He made the tackle but it was far from perfect… Defender lost the contact, making it easy for the ball to be recycled by the attacking team. No cheek on cheek, his feet were too far back to generate power into the hit. Shoulder contact was non existent.

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