@Buffalo Sabres

RIP Individual Goal Songs :(

Sabres are already sucking the fun out of the game before we even played a home game. Sheeesh

by TheOriginalRK


  1. PrinciplesRK

    You know what, I was totally expecting this. I think a big focus will be on going away from individuality and to more of a team mentality. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was something Lindy was against.


    Thank god. I hated that shit. Bring back hell yeah and the siren

  3. Right-Fishing5389

    Without Jeff is there even a reason to have a goal song 😭

  4. JeffersonStarscream

    Just score some goals. I don’t care what song you play afterwards.

  5. CaresAboutYou

    individual goal songs were fun but IMO goal song should serve the purpose of further fueling the crowd and i think that can be accomplished best if there’s one song that everyone knows is coming

  6. Buffalo_rider01

    Call me old fashion but I’d rather it this way

  7. Bradalee

    Team sport with team goals, so a team song is the best choice. Plus it gets the crowd more hyped up and interactive, which is huge. Big W on this one for me.

  8. HelperMunkee

    Tell me it isn’t “let me clear my throat”

  9. YoungTroubadour

    Ngl I was kinda hoping someone was gonna pick Hot to Go

  10. roge0934

    Honestly, I’m for it. The team needs to be unified because they are definitely not

    Edit: spelling

  11. DarkTrebleZero

    Am I the only one who thinks Song 2 by Blur is really the only true goal song this team has ever had? Why not use it?

  12. IceFellasFHC

    I’ll miss hearing Humble after a bomb from the point almost as much as Party In The USA, but this is a massive W for team culture.

  13. EllaRose2112

    I’m a fan of this, better team unity. Of course we need to actually score for this to matter at all so… 👀🤞🏻

  14. Affectionate_Past968

    Any guesses on what it will be?

  15. Juanzilla17

    Fuck… RIP Pepas. Best goal song from last year

  16. SergeantBleuCheese

    Calling “time in a bottle” by Jim Croce. I think it may be appropriate

  17. DapperCam

    This is akin to the “remove the ping pong table from the locker room” – “add the ping pong table to the locker room” cycle.

  18. DinoSpumonisCrony

    Never really cared for the individual songs tbh. Having one is more cohesive both for the fans and the team.

    But really don’t care much if they do team or individual, just score.

  19. CeramicCastle49

    Is this the NHL equivalent of taking away the ping-pong table in the locker room

  20. Sufficient_Garlic_41

    New scoreboard can only play 1 song !

    Sabre Dance !

  21. OlympusMons999

    I just wanna see the team make the playoffs. I don’t care about a goal song, or individual goal songs. Thing that matters most in our building is that horn blowing

  22. A_Lone_Macaron

    I once again come in to say this “Sabrehood” thing they’re pushing is lame AF

  23. helikoopter

    I never cared for the goal songs because not a single player seemed to care about the Buffalo music scene, past or present.

  24. mikegotdropped

    Good. They don’t fucking deserve it

  25. buffalonious

    I wonder if they’ll be able to unveil it tonight 

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