@New Jersey Devils

Pissed Devils fans: relax and enjoy the hockey

I will admit, it was a little bit of a let down how the boys played for the home opener last night. But dear god some of our fans are brutal sometimes. I was at the game last night, and getting any sustained positive enthusiasm from the fans seemed impossible. So many were pissed already. It’s a new season and game 3. Enjoy the hockey people and “support the team” a bit more . Make some noise and enjoy the game, if not for yourself, for the people around you. If we’re still sucking in a month or so – be pissed then.

by MatteHatter


  1. RubberBiscuitz

    Real OG fans remember him from the corner upper tier section at CAA/BBA.

  2. chickenKsadilla

    I couldn’t agree more. We have to do more to create a positive home environment. We jump so quickly to being dead silent or booing our own guys. It just compounds the problem. Watch any of the other tough environments in the NHL and the crowd bounces back right away with LOUD unison chants to get the energy back up. It can make a difference and frankly it’s just more fun.

  3. Agree 1000%

    It’s almost as if some of our “fans” just want to be angry and miserable. The goal is for us to make the playoffs, not win the presidents’ trophy. Regardless of what the talking heads are saying

  4. 3-0 will take the air out of any building… I miss Bauman and CAA though

  5. HopelessEsq

    Fans are pissed that year after year it seems we have the same exact struggles. Expectations were set, Fitz went out and got new players to fill needs, a new head coach, new personnel and it’s a new season. Opening night tickets were expensive and fans paid for them with the expectation that there would be an improved on ice product, and that they would have turned the page on the glaring issues that seem to plague the team every season. But last night was the big home opener of the new squad and it was like watching a rerun of last year. It’s not that the team lost, it was *how* they lost. Maybe it was just an off night but it really wasn’t a good look for the team that they seemingly picked right up from where they left off last season. I’d imagine that they would have some growing pains and it would be one thing if they were dealing with a new set of issues, but it’s pretty crushing that we get new players, a new coach, new goalie tandem and the same old problems.

  6. tECHOknology

    Even watching TV I could hear assholes shouting nasty shit at people who made mistakes.

    I get they are supposed to be professionals and block it out, and I get that you paid lots of money and had your home opener night totally disappoint you, but if anyone has played sports before, they know that getting heckling from where you’re supposed to be getting support is hugely demoralizing. Its also not what a fan is supposed to do.

    We need to consider why it became a trend that the boys always do better on the road. Yea they love us when we react to them producing. But you have to imagine teams with a forgiving fanbase enjoy that fanbase more and have more tolerance and less dread of hardship. This goes back as far as Taylor Hall addressing the fans booing the power play and how unhelpful it really is.

  7. GoGoNJDevil

    I was very upset during the third and leaving the game last night. I wasn’t screaming angry but what you have to understand is that I’m not rich. I spent a lot of money to go to the home opener with my wife (it was her first time going to a home opener). I’m not a season ticket holder and I can’t afford to go to multiple games a month. This and maybe one more game are it for me for the year. When they lose…it really sucks.

  8. jerseygunz

    I will say this, as a whole, you are 100% correct, it’s one game with weird circumstances and it probably won’t be indicative of the entire season, however, if you like me, paid to watch that garbage ass game live, I can understand being a little miffed

  9. specifichero101

    Seems like some people can only engage with sports in a negative way. They’re either pissed at their team, or hating other teams, or shitting on certain players. Seems exhausting. Watch sports to enjoy it, if it’s getting too negative take a break. The devils have a fun team, one loss to a top team is nothing to panic over.

  10. dirt_dryad

    You should have heard the 4 women sitting behind me for the home opener. 2 minutes in and they wouldn’t stop talking shit about the devils and how their season will go terribly and we should just pack it in. I get that we weren’t playing amazingly but have a little hope or pride or something.

  11. NJDFansince82

    I will agree it’s early to be so critical but this is an organization that has not made the playoffs in 10 of 12 years. We had a dumpster fire of a year last year and the patience for these players is starting to dwindle. Lackluster shit performances like last night are unacceptable after all the signings. Off nights will happen of course but you open your first home game like that after putting the fans through a horrible season last year…pathetic! I’ll go one further, Jack better start playing like his paycheck. He usceither hurt, lazy, or flopping all over the ice and I hope his attitude gets checked early before it’s too late.

  12. gokartmozart89


  13. krautnapped

    If someone gets mad at their team for something, it’s a nice marker to know that I shouldn’t trust their opinion on anything. It always tells me they have nothing else going in their lives, which allows me to put them in context.

    Same goes for the “my team can do no wrong” crowd.

  14. There are a few special games each year, like a home opener, or a Rangers game, or a stadium series game, etc.

    This was the home opener. These guys walked in on a red carpet signing autographs. This was a special game.

    And they were simply not good enough for this special game. Watch the post-game press conference with Keefe who was just clearly unhappy with the effort.

    It’s one thing to just get beat by a better team. This was not that.

    Games like this will happen, but the fans who paid for this have every right to not be happy about what they saw in a home opener game.

    They’d have every right to be unhappy if this was a random Tuesday game in February as well, but especially for this game.

    With that said, I agree that people need to relax and not be all doom and gloom about the full season. But the team gave the fans nothing to sustain any cheering, and to see that after waiting all off-season, with all the hype going into this season, etc., absolutely justifies people being frustrated while sitting there.

    **No fan should be coerced or guilted into putting in effort for the team while watching, when the team isn’t putting in the effort on the ice.**

  15. Javi1192

    After the breakaway/rebound save, the ‘Marky’ chants brought back some good memories of the ‘Marty’ chant

  16. TylerLetcher23

    At least we got lucky those two Preseason Prague games count for the record

  17. PagingDrTobaggan

    I, too, expected this team to go 82-0, and no loss is acceptable.

  18. waryeller

    Some of our fans man…if they weren’t wearing black and red I’d punch em in the dick for being the whiniest dorks.

  19. beachy927

    I get being upset that the game you chose to attend and spend money on winds up being a loss and a stinker. But it is your choice to spend that money and go to the game and with any team, even perennial playoff teams, you run the risk of attending a stinker. It’s the chance you take unfortunately being a sports fan. I get being annoyed, this team has a lot of hype around it again, but last years’s home opener was a win and an exciting game and what did it mean in the long run.. nothing.

  20. Appropriate-Hunt4163

    Devils are on pace to have a 109-point season.

  21. Made some money by betting against them last night despite being a fan lol

  22. blade430

    Honestly glad you posted this, you are right, I think many of us feel let down due to what happened last season but we should be encouraging the players. Maybe that’s why our players seem to be worse at home tbh

  23. BeerNerdActual

    It’s just the first three games… and this preseason… and last season… and most of the past decade-plus. But yeah, other than that, no reason to be angry.

    I can’t blame the fans for immediately tuning out, honestly. I know I would have if I was there. And it’s not so much that they lost, it’s how they lost. In many ways it was the same style as last year. It is definitely too early to write the season off. But it’s never too early to get angry and feel the strong urge to write it off.

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