stop winning games we need to tank for McKenna… I can’t believe people are actually hoping we fail. Remember fail for nail? These doubters and people who want us to lose can suck a toe. GFG
Proud of you Huska!! 4-0 start let's go… Also Huska please spend sometime coaching Kadri on his bowling,, I noticed Kadri needs to work on his feet work when bowling but throws with velocity
I’m new here to Calgary, Anyone know where this practice was? & can fans watch these practices ?
woulda been nice to know, woulda ducked outta work!
Keep the streak Alive coach!!! GO FLAMES GO 🔥 🔥 🔥
stop winning games we need to tank for McKenna… I can’t believe people are actually hoping we fail. Remember fail for nail? These doubters and people who want us to lose can suck a toe. GFG
Proud of you Huska!! 4-0 start let's go… Also Huska please spend sometime coaching Kadri on his bowling,, I noticed Kadri needs to work on his feet work when bowling but throws with velocity
Huska is such a fresh breath of fresh air compared to Sutter! In Huska We Trust!