@Florida Panthers

SKANDALSCENER I CHL-Finalen | Luleå Hockey Vs Tappara | Tappara Love diving and Hollywood

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Luleå Tappara
Lulea Tappara chl final
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  1. Yeah The last 10min of the game they did everything to get the game to 3-3 but i dont think anybody can deny that better team won

  2. Buhuu cry baby. Why there isn't Luleås divings as one for 1-3 goal?
    Tappara is the EUROPEAN CHAMPION 💙🧡

  3. Haha, what sore whining… Guess you need some such for compensation for mostly classy fans.

    Your team was clearly beaten for two periods, in the third got to be on power play for the whole 20 min after all possible kinds of home team make-up calls. So tight game in all, cheers (up)!

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