@Vancouver Canucks

r/Canucks Mod Recruitment

As many of you have noticed, the sub has been taking a \*bit\* of a hit to morale and civility lately, partly due to the team’s performance, partly due to a 107k user to 1.5 active moderator ratio. It’s time to shore up our numbers of moderators on the subreddit to ensure r/Canucks continues to be a fun, respectful place to discuss the team.

If you love (or love to hate) the Canucks and want to help make this sub awesome, please consider joining our team. We want to bring as many good people as possible. If we get twenty good applications we’ll bring them all on board, at least as a trial. If we get one good application, that still brings us much needed help.

The ideal mod looks like:

* 18+ years of age
* Reddit account is in good standing with r/canucks (ie: good posts/comments and not constant trolling etc)
* Has/willing to use Discord (we use this for mod discussions)
* Bonus points if you use Reddit for desktop (there are plugins to make modding easier)
* Double bonus points if you’re active in game threads

Even if you don’t meet any of these, we still encourage you to fill in the app. No experience required, and no huge time commitments (we’re very laid back).

#[Apply to join the r/Canucks mod team here.](

This post will stay up until the game thread goes live on the 8th vs the Jets. Successful applicants will receive a PM from a member of the mod team inviting them to the mod discord by end of day on the 9th.

by OrlandKurtenbot


  1. KniveySpoony

    > • Has/willing to use Discord (we use this for mod discussions)

    Even I’m there! Come see me weeb out and bitch and moan about bitching and moaning.

  2. D2ThaHizzle

    Is this a fake post by Frankie to ban all members of TeamTank?

  3. pennepasta14

    Sorry if this is a bad question. I’m not really aware of the moderation side of Reddit. but is this a paid position?

    Edit: or is there anything to get out of it? Such as free tickets, etc?

  4. mephnick

    I’m assuming new mods must sign an agreement to uphold this subreddit’s prioritization of meme generation? Because if not you should add that.

  5. kneejerk_nuck

    I would like to be the sole moderator. We only need one person who has a clear vision for the future.

  6. crap4you

    Does it come with a quota on how many people we have to ban each month?

  7. Hyper0059

    Sorry, but I will continue to vote for Kneejerk. Not myself

  8. SuccedTheWholeTiddy

    Make me a mod so somebody can deal with any anti Dan Murphy sentiment in a swift and forceful manner.

  9. makeanewblueprint

    Does modding pay 8×8? if that’s the case giddie up!

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