@Vancouver Canucks

Back Casting Tutorial Part 1 with Duane Lockwood

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Watch England Casting International & Official Back Casting world record holder Duane Lockwood explain the basics of Back Casting with Part 1 of this 4 part series on how to back cast.

Duane was kind enough to allow me to share the video on youtube, and taking the time to help others interested in back casting.


  1. In all my 60 years of fishing and casting. That is the best vid on back casting. Up until 2013 I used to pendulum cast. I had a reverse shoulder replacement. I now try the back cast. Now I can see what I am doing wrong. Can't wait to see the other vids. The best back caster on the planet. Well done Duane.

  2. Thanks Stevie and Duane.
    I needed this for the coming year.
    We are casting 8 to 12 oz. and I was thinking back cast might be the way.
    Now I have a place to start!


  3. What an absolute gem! Back casting is not my style BUT when you can sit and have a lesson from the world record holder all for free you have to tip your hat and give a massive thumbs up to all those involved! Thanks fellas really appreciate you taking the time to produce this series!

  4. Hi Steve
    Duanes record will I believe be the hardest record to beat. Not many people do the back cast. You don't see casters from abroad
    Doing the back cast. If any body beats his record it be Duane I find the back cast easy on my back and shoulder..

  5. Might have to give this a try one day. Seems that there isnt much movement of the left hand unlike the other styles of pendulum cast?

  6. Bloody hell ! there is a lot to this ! are you guys still using titanium tube rod butts ?

  7. Great video, thanks to both, I would always liked back casting, did some attempts but I stopped, maybe will try again after this video, with Millionmax as I'm used to it for OTG/ flat arc….

  8. You've got me I want to walk to the nearest field with my 525 an my leeda match very helpful definitely gonna try ths now been wandering for a while as I saw an angler backcast a while ago an wandered what the he'll he was doing now thanks to this I can go try alone thanks to all evolved in the making of this video

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