@Vancouver Canucks

Steamer’s response to this morning’s Q&A fan question. ‘Why did we sign JT over Bo, and how involved is Aqua in making hockey decisions.’

Steamer’s response to this morning’s Q&A fan question. ‘Why did we sign JT over Bo, and how involved is Aqua in making hockey decisions.’

by Istimewa-Ed


  1. USAIR1945

    This reminds me of like a high school football coach giving explanations to parents as to why the team is ass lmao


    On one hand, hahaha what a great question

    On the other, feels a smidge bad seeing Smyl have to field these questions

  3. This just confirms that they’ve had a heavy hand of involvement ever since Aqua tweeted that stupid comment a year or two ago.

  4. ClaudeGiroux

    I was there and the way I interpreted it was as smyl essentially admitting aqua was involved in decisions before but now he’s taken a step back. Whether that’s true or not idk but smyl could’ve dodged it too or answered more vaguely

  5. jordiezero

    Sooooo they signed Miller because he’s the better player in their eyes ? Is that what I’m hearing ?
    In no way am I arguing that millers points have been way way more then Horvat but what about that cap space he was alluding too? Wouldn’t it make more sense to save $$ and keep your captain ? They could’ve probably signed Bo for 6.5-7 in off season before he exploded this year

  6. swedishtwins

    It’s *well known* how involved Aqua is. He was down in the locker room wallowing in grief with the players after the 2011 loss, and he’s shut down every possibility of a proper rebuild since, firing anyone with a brain and hiring socket puppet GMs.

  7. HalcyonReadersDigest

    “You have to have a game plan and you have to stick with that game plan”

    OK, then remind me what that game plan is? Because the moves since Allvin arrived don’t match the promises from Allvin’s first presser.

    I read about the Canucks every single fucking day and I have no idea what the team’s goal is for this year, the next year or five years from now.

  8. thejacer87

    Ya I’m not too sure what he’s supposed to say on the spot there… But it was disappointing being there and hearing it.

    My kid got a puck signed by kuzmenko… So not a total loss lol.

  9. WasabiChimChim

    Don’t wanna see anyone bad mouthing Steamer, finna start throwing hands

  10. steven09763

    Lmao what a bull shit response . We want Bo as much as you …..these fucken ass clowns are good at selling bullshit . Can’t believe he started with that of all things .

  11. TuborgKing09

    What can he really say here? At the end of the day we have one of the worst owners in the entire league.sure spending to the cap is nice(something all teams should be doing anyways or get close too it)but an owner that continues too settle for mediocrity and playoff revenue without seeing the big picture is crippling this team,not just this year but for the foreseeable future.Pettersson is gunna leave after his contract is up at this rate,Bo is as good as gone without shaking up the entire team and getting rid of the bad contracts that will require a sweetener too move.2011-2012 isn’t the situation right now,how this team has become this bad,stumbled into a few wonderful players,and will lose them all based on the futility of the owner is astounding.Would you rather have Eugene Melnyk or Aqua as Owner? The fucked up thing is I’d take Melnyk being willing to blow it all up over this ownership group.This isn’t a your 3-5 players away from being a competitive team for the cup each year,this is a your 10-15 players away from being a cup contender Damn near 10 years into a rebuild.Until the Canucks get new ownership I can’t justify spending a single dollar supporting one of the worst owners in the entire league

  12. DogAteMyNandos

    Did anyone ask what the thought process was on trading for OEL and Garland, and not just wait one more season to get cap space?

  13. 83tinman

    I was there twice this week. Once a gift, the other to see the avs and the thing is, the place was pretty packed. It’s the only show in town. Granted the Canadians pull more than they should for that level but they don’t clash.

    The Canucks have a captive hockey obsessed audience. Therefore they are perfectly placed to blow it up.

    People will go regardless but they can look long term not get scared it’ll be half empty if they struggle. But that takes patience and acceptance from Aqua. I don’t know if that’s there.

  14. So what he’s saying is YES Aquaman is involved, but just a little less than when they first took over the team. In other words, when it comes to the “blue chip” players, they are 100% involved, but the “filler” players they’re less involved.

    This team will NEVER win so long as they’re involved at all…

  15. Forgotmymind

    It’s weird not seeing a moving car ad on the boards.

  16. Soggy_Account5515

    I want to press him on the game plan he doesn’t say anything about the game plan! IT’s again the no plan plan!

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