@Anaheim Ducks

Sunny actually good

Sunny actually good

by stuchapin


  1. superbouser

    Good for him. Never understood why we let him go.

  2. superbouser

    With a guy like Ovi when you walk into the room you’re on his time. It’s unsaid respect. I think Rico or Cam could command it but it’s not their personality. Maybe It’s Gibby

  3. DrexlSpivey420

    Gonna wait to see if he can actually keep this pace for the rest of the season until I’d agree “he’s good now”. Remember we weren’t even the last team to let him walk.

  4. TBeckMinzenmayer

    It’s always sonny In Washington

  5. animutant100

    L to all the Ducks fans here who acted like little lemmings defending Verbeek’s choice to let Milano walk for nothing. Horrible, smooth brain move.

  6. Dontsaveme

    Did anything ever come out about his possible character issues? I kept hearing rumors but never any facts.

  7. nolander

    How’s his defense though? I hope this is real and either the caps took him to the next level or he got humbled and has now turned around his rumored attitude issues.

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