[azfamily on Twitter] Coyotes arena, entertainment district officially on the Tempe ballot in May
Coyotes arena, entertainment district officially on the Tempe ballot in May: https://t.co/n9Zlx3TwHj pic.twitter.com/OaZoat2YEs
— azfamily 3TV CBS 5 (@azfamily) January 6, 2023
by fanofsports44
Story: [https://www.azfamily.com/2023/01/06/coyotes-arena-entertainment-district-officially-tempe-ballot-may/](https://www.azfamily.com/2023/01/06/coyotes-arena-entertainment-district-officially-tempe-ballot-may/)
May seems like an eternity away. I’m sure a quick search could answer this, but I’m lazy. Does anyone know what the chances are that this does not pass?
[Here is the same birds eye view in Google maps satellite](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.4351471,-111.953409,111a,35y,223.88h,78.82t/data=!3m1!1e3) for those that don’t already know where this is planned for
Link seems to work better on desktop than mobile
My rainbow parrot head is buzzzzin right now