@Detroit Red Wings

Tribute to Michael Rasmussen, the Danish mountain king

This is a tribute to Danish professional cyclist Michael Rasmussen, who won the Mountain Jersey in the Tour de France in 2005 and 2006, and who was in yellow in the TDF 2007, when he was excluded from the Tour because of a location controversy.
If Michael hadn’t been excluded, he would have won the Tour. In my eyes, and in many of his fans’ eyes, he did.
Thank you Michael, for all the dreams, hopes and fantastic experiences you gave us. I miss you.


  1. he was kicked out by team Rabobank… Michael had said he was in Mexico, but an Italian cyclist saw him in Italy at the time. And then, the doping accuses began. So he was sacked by his team while in the yellow jersey.

  2. Great video accompanied by a great song. Looking forward to this year's tour.

    I'm also an aircraft enthusiast by the way, i like the EK B777-300ER.

    Until next time, take care

  3. Screw everybody who said Michael is nothing without dope, he ll never take that for sure.
    Michael Rasmusson you are my heroe and the WINNER of the Tour 2007 !!

  4. vi savner dig i touren michael.. men glæder os til 2010 hvor du selfølgelig vinder.. og viser contador hvem der kan finde ud af at kører opad… 😀

  5. never forgive never forget..fuck cant seem to get over this..turned in sick from work that day he was kicked out, my boss knew what was wrong.

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