@Columbus Blue Jackets

[Portzline] Larsen is done fucking around

[Portzline] Larsen is done fucking around

by ACohenBrother


  1. Well hopefully they at least knew what the drills were before practice started lol

  2. anon_5180

    Larsen gonna make sure we come in last place and get Bedard

  3. Lemfan46

    Mmm, someone appears concerned for his job.

  4. Skating doesn’t help when your team does not have a breakout or forechecking strategy. Come back to me when they win a game and do not have a lopsided shot differential.

  5. SenorWingsuit

    Good! I’ve got Saturday tickets and I hope they show up ready to put a fist in the mouth of Carolina. It would be nice to see a full 60 min game effort

  6. willingplankton

    Those deck chairs aren’t gonna rearrange themselves. He must have just noticed the deck is basically vertical, though.

  7. These “battle drills” clearly have been much help to us so far in the season, so I agree that we should do them harder.

  8. ReApEr01807

    “*The beatings will continue until morale improves*”

  9. burnie08

    >Larsen is done

    Oh I like where this is going!

    >..fucking around

    Ah why’d I get my hopes up..

  10. titanup1993

    Damn so we intentionally got the team super tired before a game, sure they’ll come out with fresh legs

  11. iamelloyello

    The most coaching he has done this year.

  12. Bobonthemove

    Larsen is nowhere near done fucking around.

  13. nashthesecond

    Maybe because he knows his job is in danger.

  14. SevenBreads

    The issue is clear that we don’t have a strategy or identity. I feel like he has lost to room.

  15. rahrens21

    Once he’s fired, hopefully we hire someone competent. Torts is terrible and I’d rather have him right now.

  16. Tucker897

    No please continue to fuck around please. Idc about winning anymore I want a top 5 pick. You wasted the season Lars don’t start winning now.

  17. So the coaching staff thought it was smart to not have the team regularly practicing battling for pucks when they’re one of the youngest teams in the league and they rely heavily on dump and chase for zone entries?

  18. Sounds like there is some pressure to win some games

  19. Lupis_Domesticus

    WTF? What is this shit? He is just now getting frustrated? I was boiling over before we ever traveled to Finland and this asshole just now done fucking around? Come on….

  20. radios_appear

    It will be very Columbus of us to win 5-2 while getting outshot 22-75 and then lose the next 8 games.

  21. Fabresque_

    This would’ve been helpful in October you bush league coach.

    You know, when the season wasn’t over yet.

    What, you’re gonna try for 7th in the Metropolitan instead of dead last?

  22. Skoaldeadeye

    The cheque cashing drill wasn’t working out.

  23. GreenTeaLTD

    So punish the players because you didn’t know how to coach practice properly? Jokes aside, this gives me highschool football coach vibes.

  24. VeraLumina

    Fire this chucklehead before he ruins this team any further. It should have been done after we shat the bed in Finland.

  25. BeerBearBar

    Tire them out before next game!
    Gunning for that #1 pick!
    I’m down with the cause!

  26. First real practice in December?
    Would have been a good idea in the covid season that started in January, but now…

    Someone still thinks he can save his job… I hope he can’t.

  27. DerDutchman1350

    I hope they are so tired, they lose every game

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