@National Hockey League

Your average Boston fan

Your average Boston fan

by subhuffer


  1. a_qualified_expert

    Fuck Tim Hortons and the Habs, amirite?


    Grab a cruller, have an extra large, three Parliaments, take a big dump, that’s kind of the routine.

  3. gdoubleyou1

    This and the Bill Burr Sam Adams SNL skit describes about 80% of the people I know from the actual city of Boston.

  4. subhuffer

    The Dunkin Donuts and Sam Adams SNL videos are not skits.

    ###They are documentaries

  5. TacticalBill

    Which Dunkin was this? The one on Boylston? Or the other one across the street? Or the one two blocks down on Boylston?

    Probably all of them 😏

  6. king_ugly00

    the average boston fan has faced multiple sexually harassment lawsuits?

  7. jaxs_sax

    Best part of my day is when I’m at Dunkin’!

  8. Filmexec21

    Fuck Boston and their fans…cool city but their fans are trash!!!

  9. stinky_pinky_brain

    Witnessed a few Boston fans almost get in a fight with each other yesterday at a nearby bar before the game. In Anaheim. Lmao

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