@New York Rangers

Everyone Makes Mistakes

Everyone Makes Mistakes

by FoghornLeghorn99


  1. FoghornLeghorn99

    So when a veteran that Gallant “likes” makes one of the worse passes I’ve seen in my life, everyone makes mistakes.

    When a kid does it, they must be taught a lesson. The line example of a kid not being sat is Kako, and he fucking redeemed himself.

    That was not near the first time this season Goodrow has made defensive mistakes that cost us goals.

    He’s already made the decision of how he will give players ice time in close games regardless of what they do on the ice, wonderful. PP1 can piss away chance after chance after chance, but those are just mistakes and everyone makes them. Kravstov played a good game, Goodrow shit the bed, Kravstov demoted, Goodrow promoted. LMFAO.

    Want to know why Hughes has developed so fast and shedded his undeserved bust label?

    Because he got 19 minutes a night, he got significant, meaningful PP time, and in close games they did not demote him (Kravstov) for a guy that gave away a horrific goal.

    Next year when Othmann farts wrong he will be in the press box.

  2. It’s true everyone makes mistakes.

    #Including Galant

  3. TwinkiesForAmerica

    Surely he must know how that sounds right? Right???

  4. ItsHeadbangerG

    Surely Gallant is self aware in this situation right?


  5. JokinHghar

    Alrighty. I’ve had about enough of this. Time to send him packing, he served his purpose.

  6. wet_washcloth

    Signing Goodrow to a 6 year deal was the biggest mistake

  7. Dig-Duglett

    oh that’s fantastic to read, gallant continues to gush over his fantastically mid player while the kids remain in development hell.

    gg is enforcing a culture amongst our team’s youngest players that makes them terrified to take chances out of fear of losing ice time. chances that, whether they work or not, are crucial to helping them learn and develop their game.

  8. GoRangers5

    I fully expect the Scooby Doo gang to take off the mask and reveal he’s been Alain Vigneault the whole time…

  9. PeteyG89

    This is actually incredibly alarming to read. Big time yikes quote right there

  10. Nyrfan2017

    It’s true everyone makes mistakes some get benched for it and some get promoted for it

  11. PhillyJ739

    Good fucking god Gallant must owe Goody over a game of cards or something. The amount of blind favoritism and sheer lack of self-awareness is palpable.

    A 4th line player with Junior B skating ability is not a do-it-all player, Turk. As others have pointed out, this attitude is not conducive with development. Suggesting that KK or Kravtsov don’t deserve the minutes is possibly the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard.

  12. Nyrfan2017

    And this is why you have kids like laf that have their confidences crushed . When they got and try and make a mistake they get punished and than that creates them second guessing them selfs on the ice and not being a solid player .. than you have guys make mistakes and he defends the shit out of them .

  13. What the fuck kind of answer is that? You might as well just say you’re a bad coach at this point. Either that or ask Barclay for his hand in marriage.

    We are not winning a cup with him behind our bench.

  14. Might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me on GG…

    Why oh why can’t we get a competent coach that understands player development?

  15. lionson76

    There’s a bit of context missing from this tweet. Starting a couple minutes earlier in the presser, GG talks about every line giving up chances and making mistakes when asked about Panarin. It’s part of the game; he just doesn’t want to see it consistently. [Starting here](

    >”As long as there’s an effort coming back and working hard… You make them mistakes, you make sure you’re coming back and covering up for your teammate’s mistakes. That’s the big thing with me. Everybody’s going to make mistakes, that’s part of the game.”

    With some of the kids, I’m not sure we’ve seen the effort he’s talking about. Ergo, the benchings. With Goody and Trouba, he knows he’ll get the effort, even if they’re still fucking up. We’ve also seen it from Kakko, who gave up that goal against the Isles, wasn’t benched, and came back to score what ended up being the game winner… Anyone here want to praise GG for sticking with Kakko then?

    Y’all focusing on the negative have lost your objectivity, which makes it hard to take your comments seriously.

  16. BrianEJones15

    Makes a lot of sense. He goes tape to tape with his opponent for a goal against and gets moved up in the lineup. If any of the kids did that they’d be sent to a Taliban POW camp

  17. iamdanabnormal

    I don’t blame Gallant.

    This is the general mindset of all the guys in the NHL old boys’ club. Grit will always supersede skill in their minds. A player doesn’t become legitimate unless they show that they are willing to get dirty and the coach will sacrifice scoring in order to achieve that end.

    Goodrow is a nice player for what he is. You do not screw around with the development of guys like Kravtsov/Gauthier/Kakko etc to play Goodrow whose impact in the overall scheme nominally.

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