@Columbus Blue Jackets

When Red Card is not Enough !!

red card shouldn’t be enough punishment for these players


  1. Sports fields, one of the few places you can violently attack someone and the law doesn't apply.

  2. We need to have a new card, say a black one, for things that are even worse than red card fouls with very heavy consequences.

  3. Soccer can be way more brutal and physical than American football fans think, but if I was the guy that got kicked like that by Pepe, I’d get up and whoop that ass, that shit was straight up aggravated assault 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  4. Missing some famous ones, e.g. zlatan on materazzi & roy keane on haaland

  5. Uefa and fifa should be sanctioned for letting things out of hand deliberately. there should be payment cap for players like in a good old days, huge fines and disqualifications for such aggressive actions, fair game.

  6. Some of these tackles could have been fatal professionals should not be diliberately foul some were 🤬🤬🤬

  7. I'm going to explain to each and every single one of you as clear as water what should be done to pigs that raise their leg like the Pigs in this video did to stop opponents. They should be expelled and banned FOREVER from ever touching a soccer ball, contract immediately ripped if possible in front of them. WHY? you all ask, Because when a pig raises his leg like that to stop opponent or plants his leg like that to opponents shin or knee , their not doing that as defensive play, their doing with the ONLY MEANS of hurting that player FOREVER, because after a broken knee or broken leg your never the same after that, so know from possible being an elite player and getting good money to provide for your family, now your game is different and you go down rank , now that player is struggling in his life because a pig decided to injure him like that, so it's not a defensive play , it's an attack towards the opponents means of living , and no red card can compensate that. BECAUSE THEIR NOT GOING IN THERE TO STOP THEM, THEIR GOING IN THERE WITH ALL INTENTIONS OF BREAKING SOMETHING.

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