@Buffalo Sabres

Blackhawks Trade Henri Jokiharju

The Chicago Blackhawks have traded defenseman Henri Jokiharju to the Buffalo Sabres in exchange for forward Alexander Nylander.

This hurts me.

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  1. I blame Mr puppet Colliton for this horrible trade because it was clear Jermery didnt like Jokiharju because he cut his time and then bench Joki for Manning this is a bad trade going forward for the Blackhawks

  2. Hawks fan here.

    We can't develop Mitchell, Boqvist and Joker all at once. Having 3 D on the right side ages 19-22 is a recipe for failure.

    Someone had to go and it was Joker.

    I didn't like the trade either when I first saw it but after thinking about it for a few hours it makes sense. The Hawks dealt from a position on strength which was young right handed D prospects.

    I told my brother this a month ago..
    I thought Jokiharu was the reason the Hawks lost their season. He was totally overwhelmed by NHL competition and it showed. Crawford was visibly upset with him after being hung out to dry night in and night out. Go watch games from the 1st 20 games of the season and see the missed assignments in front of the net for tap in goals.

  3. i dont think this is nearly as bad as everyone is making it out to be. yeah we didnt get the kind of return i'd expect for him, but it made sense to move him. too many D prospects, and i'd definitely put him behind boqvist and probably beaudin too in terms of d prospects. i like jokiharju a lot and expect him to do pretty well in the NHL, but it makes sense to move him considering we have 5 NHLers locked in for 3+ years, gus this year, boqvist next, and we have krys, mitchell, and beaudin knocking on the door too.

  4. Another horrible trade done by Bowman!! The panerin trade, now this?! Henri was going to be part of “ the next dynasty” Come on when is enough, enough? Henri is gonna be a top 4 defensivemen and nylander is such an unknown. Bowman trades away all of his first round picks, dach will be traded within 3 years mark my words. I’m done with Bowman I’m sick how every season/summer he makes these stupid ass trades. Why didn’t we get at least a first round pick from this?! It’s simple Fire Bowman and make Chris Chelios GM he was part of the red wings dynasty and a former player.
    Plus what makes this worse is how we passed on byram and now we traded henri! Could you imagine if we had Joker, Bryam, Boqvist, Beaudin, Mitchell, Vlasic as top 6?! That would have been so lethal!! But nope Bowman had to mess things up, go figure

  5. I like the deal for hawks. Joks is extremely overrated. He had a decent start but failed to score a single goal and only has a couple of primary assists… his positioning was really weak so they sent him to Rockford where they thought he would progress. Unfortunately he played abysmal in Rockford so they made the move knowing they have a huge surplus of right handed defenseman better than joks. Picking up nylander is very risky but I think it can pan out similarly to Strome. Chad krys is another right handed defenseman that projects to be a top 4* offensive defenseman. They have too many of those considering Mitchell Beaudin and boqvist have yet to touch NHL ice. Nylander has some insanely ceiling if you read threw current scouting reports despite his lack of Playing time and production. I personally think our issue was our lack of depth at all positions not just specifically defense. Lmk

  6. So basically the Hawks end up with Maatta for Joki and Nylander for Kahun. What exactly is the opposite of brilliant????

  7. This winner of this trade on the surface level I think is going to Buffalo, but not to the extent some people think (including you). Maybe Stan could have squeezed a pick out a Buffalo, but that isn't the end of the world. We have multiple defence prospects knocking at the door for NHL ice time. Not many right-handed ones, one of which was Joki, and I think that is the major downside to this trade.

    Joki was a decent player for his limited time in the NHL. But I think his point totals were greatly inflated by the top line he was primarily playing on. He played with forwards such as Toews and Kane and his defencive partner was Keith, so they impacted him more than he impacted them. One thing I liked about him alot though was his high amount of shots on goal, I personally love that mindset and they were nice shots too. Sure he was part of Finlands Gold Medal teams, but it's not like he was a star player. Our goalie Kevin Lankinen was there star goalie, so is he a NHL starter now? All in all, Joki was a good filler for the Hawks, sad to see him go, but it isn't the end of the possibility of a future strong d-core in Chicago like most people think it is.

    Now let's talk about Nylander. Kid just turned 21, ffs 21 years old. And everyone is calling him a bust. Like Bowman said, he has shown glimpses of elite level plays and hockey IQ, and his goals (only 3) have been nice ones. He seems super excited to be part of the hawks, and hopefully his dad will influence him into the right direction, and not his selfish brother. The only risk I see is him asking for too much money. Clearly people have no idea what a change of scenery can do to a NHL player no matter the age (O'reilly, Strome, all the Golden Knights players). He simply wasn't developed right in Buffalo's system. Also, Adam Boqvist, a fellow Swede should be good friends with him. Nylander played just over a PPG in the WJ.

    All in all, Alex may be a inconsistant, but I see him as similar future as J.T Miller. And I see Joki as a similar future as Bradon Montour. But I can't tell the future, and neither can any of you, so quit thinking that we got fleeced. Even if you were basing the winner of the trade based on current information, Joki is very likley inflated based on the lines he played on, so it isn't as bad as it seems. Only time will tell.

    We have forward assets to trade for picks (Anisimov, Perlini) and some a asset that can be moved to make space for Boq or some AHL Dmen that can get some expeirence (Murphy). We can also possibly trade one of our defence left-handed prospects for which we can trade for a pick or a similar level right-handed defencemen.

    One thing I would like to say is that Bowman could have avoided trading Joki if he gave him space in the current roster, by not trading for Maata. If Maata turns around his carrer and play like he did in his rookie season, then I will be happy with that. If not, bruh.

  8. I feel like he's putting a lit more faith in matta than we all are as well with this trade. Unless somehow he can trade Sean's for a dang good dman and a another great prospect like joki

  9. But also hawks are known for bringing players back. Maybe he has a plan to bring joki back in a future trade so that joki can get some experience in the NHL while we try some new experience ? Idk. This trade is a mind f***

  10. Jokiharju is a good defensemen but in my view is a 4 or 5 in a very good team, Nylander as A LOT of potential. You can't really compare this numbers whith the Strome numbers because he play in the AHL at 18. I really think Nylander could become the next Artermi Panarin, he has pretty much the same skill set. By the way the Smaltz trade was A STEAL.

  11. I really hope that Nylander makes the team, ends up on a good line, and has a Strome type resurgence and we can all forget the disappointment in trading Henri

  12. I dont think any other trade has hurt this bad…jokiharju was my second favorite hawk of all time and he only played 38 games.

  13. Yo Alex Nylander has all the tools he just has no fire because his whole hockey career was handed to him on a platter with a silver spoon in his mouth by his dad. That doesn't mean that he'll continue the pace he was on with the Sabres. The Sabres wanted him to crack the lineup. Chicago is probably just going to throw him in there even though he doesn't deserve it that's sort of been his whole life. So there's a good chance that's the way that he'll Excel and he might blossom into a 20 to 30 goal scorer. If you look at it that way you have to give up something to get something people in Chicago think Henri Jokiharju is soft that's from what I gather so maybe the Sabres can make him tougher. I think it was a good trade for both sides because if Alex blows up the Sabres got a good Prospect.

  14. I cant say I like this move either. My hope is that a move to a Stanley cup winning team will do wonders and bring the best out of Alexander Nylander. Doing what you love doing in a place you love to do it works magic.

  15. I was a big fan of Jokiharju as well, but I don’t mind this trade that much. Nylander is still an extremely talented kid and after seeing the development Strome has made since coming to this environment and getting a real opportunity, I have faith that Nylander can do something similar. Likewise, we had a lot of prospect depth defensively when you have Jokiharju, Mitchell, Boqvist, Beaudin, and others. We could use another scoring threat on the top two lines and it’s smarter to deal from a position of strength to address a weakness.

  16. This was quite the lightning rod for Chicago fans eh?
    I’m ok with it. I wanted to see Gus be traded this summer. But if we’re keeping Gus? Someone had to go.
    Keith, Gustafson, Matta, Murphy, de Haan, Seabrook, Dahlstrom, Koekkoek.
    Where does Jokiharju fit in that mix this year? He doesn’t. Then next summer Boqvist n Mitchell n Beaudin are gonna be right there too anyways.
    I didn’t like watching teams control puck in our zone so easily and so uncontested last year. Murphy and Dahlstrom were very decent pair. Not all stars. But they always made players know they were there. Rutta n Forsling just looked waaay to easy to play against.
    Edit: now with Matta n de Haan added to this blue line? It will be much more difficult for teams to escape the wall in our zone. If they try penetrate now? There’ll be a price to pay.
    Shots from long range? I like our goalies’ chances far more. Whereas last year guys were getting rebounds in crease or great looks from the slot.
    Hopefully with our revamped D core, those days will be behind us.
    I know we can’t keep everyone. But to be sure. By Christmas. Someone’s going to absolutely need a defender. So we should might be able to sell high on Murphy or de Haan or Matta. We’ll keep the two we want. Then sell high on odd man out.

  17. Buffalo fan here…. I am sorry we stole this kid from you guys, but hell, like you said, you got CUPS!
    What do we got? …. One disastrous season after the next.
    The line-up has improved(I think) but I guess we'll see…

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