@Washington Capitals

Carl Hagelin Elbows Daniel Alfredsson. April 14th 2012

Carl Hagelin gets his elbow up in the face of Daniel Alfredsson


  1. "Gary, is this what you wanted?" B. Shanahan

    & the HEALTHY scratch gets 1 game for an obvious fight against Boyle?
    & Carkner, who only played G2 because lit'l Karlsson got a facial & their fellow Sens were getting hammered LEGALLY, probably won't play for the remainder of the series – GETS 1 GAME???

  2. Are you kidding me? did you see how high his elbow was? theres no need for that hit use a shoulder like everyone else

  3. Hi, I'm Brendan Shanahan from the Department of Player Safety, on April 14th, an incident occurred in a game between the Rangers and Ottawa Senators, at 9:30 of the NOBODY CARES! WE KNOW WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED!!!

  4. This hit is worth every minute of 3 games.

    The Weber ruling was a screwup. No doubt. But that doesn't mean the league has to water down every subsequent punishment. Two wrongs don't make a right….blah blah blah

  5. That was pretty cheap.. Not as cheap as Crosbys uppercut to Giroux.. Crosby is a pussy! Game 3 of the Flyers Penns series was one of the most exciting action packed games ive ever seen.. Easy top 10 all time!!

  6. HAHAHAHA again the irony after you've been flipping out on other people and I haven't even insulted you. Take your own advice.

  7. I Hate Brendan Shanahan and bush-league rulings like this is exactly why, guy is ruining the league, Im a Bruins fan and I totally side with Hagelin on this one. This is straight up garbage somebody get Shanahan a severance check and a fucking mens league contract, at this point I'd rather fucking Jay Leno as the NHLs head of descipline, this shit is ridiculous.

  8. And Im Sorry but if Alfredsson is actually Concussed from this then you need to hang it up bro, thats like shattering your femur kicking a soccer ball. Cmon Now

  9. You mean by sending out a thug who was afraid to fight him fairly? At least Neil was man enough to fight him not cheapshot him.
    Or do you mean by dealing with him because he is leading the Rangers in goals…

  10. Are you fucking kidding me with 3 games? This was only worth a fine only if alfredsson doesnt come back then its worth a game. Shanahan is a punk.

  11. clearly you don't know a damn thing about concussions…..concussions are basically whiplash to the brain. with the force of the elbow to the head and the sudden stop on the glass – the brain hits the inside wall of the skull. (whiplash)

    Hagelin deserved a one game suspension – and so did Webber for his hit on Zetterburg which was no different.

  12. This video breaks my heart, this was most likey Alfie's last year and that fucking ass hole had to just fucking injure him knowing this was probably Alfie's last year. Thats a fucking disgrace right there. Hockey needs to change, the headshots need to stop.

  13. Will do, I'll tell him next time I run into him at cosco 😛 (btw the first time i met him was in cosco )

  14. Headshots should not be banned from the NHL, they should be counted as a statistic…blocked shots, shots on goal, headshots…..just sayin….ratings go up with a good brain injury!

  15. that's what a scumbag who shoots pucks at other players on purpose gets. and i hate the rangers

  16. What a loser. He hs run people his whole career, now a little payback. If he played in the pre-instigator NHL, he would not have been so brave behind the visor and fighting rule. In those days, a dirty play was punished by the players on the ice, Much better NHL then. He would have been beat up for all his dirty plays, and eventually, would stop running guys from behind, or else he would get pummelled, again!!! Players policed the league then, there were less dirty players and hits then.

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