@Montreal Canadiens

Chris Weidman breaks down the fight between Conor McGregor and Dustin Poirier at UFC 264

In this clip, I break down the fight between Conor McGregor and Dustin Poirier at UFC 264 and give you my perspective on Conor’s broken leg.

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#FirstTake #UFC #ESPN #UFC #UFC264 #McGregor

mma news dustin poirier vs conor mcgregor 3 mcgregor vs poirier 3 Conor Mcgregor broken ankle UFC 264 Connor vs Poirier


  1. Conor was fighting way too risky, throwing those kicks mostly bone against bone, instead of against calf, poor technique. Technique includes location of impact and result in damage! The key is he didn’t hurt Poirier at any time, catching him a few times isn’t equal to hurting him, he didn’t back him up with either kicks or punches.

    He was only a effective KO artist in LW once against Alvarez in 2016, Fight w Cowboy was w a way over the hill fighter, you cannot count that. He should have stayed at FW, but then of course would have never rolled into the Mayweather bout so for his career and resources he made all the right moves. But the move up signified an end for him as an elite MMA fighter at LW, top 5 or maybe even top 10.

    Poirier immediately figured out this Conor isn’t a risk, and he did back up Conor with several punches that did stun Conor, which made it possible to push Conor back against the fence, where Conor again took too much risk (and again because of lack of respect by Conor for Poirier’s skills which cost him) with that weak guillotine attempt. The rest, ground ‘n’ pound, was logical.

    By the end Conor finally got up, he was hurt, bleeding, and fought in panic which is exhausting and super-risky, his brain was rattled, that’s why he mis-stepped, it is through concussion, you can clearly see his brain not coordinating with his legs, feet. Neurological problems, temporary. When they remain, you have punch-drunk fighters, brain damage. Only time will tell.

    When you get out of bed a little too tired or drunk you can easily fall too, on your way to the bath-room. When you’re in a hurry, many people fall like that, they loose balance, the coordination brain-body is not right. It’s like an error. You might trip over a carpet, stool, or misstep on your crocs and twist your goddammn ankle or knee. Basically Conor is the victim of his own carelessness, first careless in kicking and punching, then careless in judging safe distance from Dustin, then careless in the guillotine attempt, then careless (in preparation for starters) in fighting effectively off his back and careless in, when he finally got up, creating enough distance from Poirier to try and land something significantly and most importantly: regain his composure, catch a breath from the beating he received, regain some composure, balance, coordination. Even just last the round and get back to his corner ! He threw it all away. And it started with his ego-mania mentality coming in. Mayweather-Khabib-Poirier 2 X.

    Instead he just traded reckless blows with Dustin who’s in control of close punching, missing, and then that mis-step happened. He made the same mistake with Khabib, he just HAD to trade blows with Khabib, because his blown-up ego unfortunately told him so, told him he wasn’t supposed to loose the stand-up game to Khabib.

    Again, Khabib hit much harder as was seen, and knocked him down, which signaled the beginning of the end. Conor’s shots are beautiful to see, his technique is beautiful, but it’s a myth to think his punches and kicks on impact are anything exceptional at LW. Conor never was never the LW divison’s Francis N’Gannou !

    The UFC, Rogan, Schaub, all these guys pumped that up, but it’s a lie. It made money. And it still does. That doesn’t make it reality. The results speak for themselves. Conor cannot accept that he can’t beat the top LW’s, doing what he wants in fights, he cannot accept or even see his faults, and therefore he fights without respect and good judgement (his ego blinds him for the truth), the result will usually be: a beating and/or accident.

    If you don’t know how to kick effectively you’ll weaken your own bones. You make them brittle and then a mis-step and they break. Who was it again who told the world in 2017 about Floyd Mayweather’s brittle hands ?

    Let’s give him a hand as the one who popularized MMA like no other. Who made sure top MMA stars get paid more. Who has a beautiful fighting style to watch and which was much more effective at FW, and was great at funny trash-talk, who always packed humor up until he got bitter. And for The times have passed him by as a fighter, he never developed a good ground game, and he couldn’t keep his ego in check, and so the journey as a top LW fighter ends. To me, it already ended with his loss to Khabib in 2018, but there was so much money to make.

  2. I love seeing fighters talk about other fighters and breaking down fights. Would love to see Chris commentate or become a coach one day.

  3. You’re a good man Chris. Well wishes to you and your family from New Zealand. ✌🏼

  4. When conor started yelling "doctor stoppage!" with that crazy look in his eyes he definately had flipped into a mental mode wich will carry him through this ordeal in his own unique way. people have different way to deal and cope with such a terrible injury and I was surprised he stayed in his "macman" charachter. when he beat mendes he broke down in tears in the octagon and we saw the human side but when he snaps his leg in half he dont skip a beat and try to keep his rivalry with poirer going. when he said "this is never over!" I got chills cos it was such a inspiring moment when a guy is physically broken but still is mentally on fire ;D

  5. When you have an injury this bad, its hard to explain……there is pain, but your brain is so overwhelmed by what just happened……its like, you know the pain signals are firing and your brain recognizes them…..but that panicked feeling is so strong, you’re in complete shock, both mentally and a physically…..its a weird sensation, and not a pleasant one. Your body is in full evolutionary survival mode, and it SUCKS. Its fight or flight, but way beyond anything you might have felt before. Your body thinks you’ve just been mortally wounded by a bear, and is preparing for one last, winner take all battle. Your body can’t come back down, and doesn’t know that a sanctioned fight just took place, is now over, and all of this shock isn’t needed. The body doesn’t really care though.

    You can see it on Conor’s face, the shock. White as a ghost, sitting there barking at everyone. If that had been me, I would have wanted to be surrounded by my team…..familiar faces and all that. No cameras or microphones anywhere near me. Get me outta there ASAP. The whole thing was weird.

    I think Conor is in major denial about what lies ahead. He is going to have an entire year to eat that fat reality sandwich.

    You can show him how its done, Chris. At the very least, he can call you and Anderson and talk about where his recovery schedule is at. Will he though? He seems too proud to me, to reach out and talk about any of it though.

    My arm snapped BTW……broke my right arm, flopping everywhere, about 3-4 inches above the wrist. Fell out of a tree when I was fifteen. I walked home cradling my right arm with my left….just holding it together.

  6. What a fantastic guy! Chris you will continue to thrive because you have such an amazing attitude.

  7. Hey man, don't know if you'll see this, but I hope your leg heals well and I'm just wondering if you can play Wish You Were Here on guitar yet. I thought it was awesome that the dude who took out my favorite fighter also put out a video of himself trying to learn the first song I ever learned on guitar.

  8. I tell you, I'd much rather have the injury you got than the one I got. Try shattering your tibial condyle with force applied from the top by the femur and completely obliterating your meniscus in the process due to a 4 story fall – that shit hurt! I have a big plate on there and 8 screws with 3 spanning the complete width of the condyle and literally no limp. However, I am now limited in what can or can't do for life. A simple break in the middle of the shin would hurt like hell but it is preferable because you get a 100% recovery and because the rod your leg is twice as strong.

  9. I broke my femur when I was younger and it was easily the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I dug holes in the grass where I was laying with my hands because the pain was so excruciating.

    Obvs the femur is the biggest bone in the body but anyone who can sit through a broken leg and still talk is a tough mother. Simple as that

  10. Not sure if you or conor took the covid vaccine but if you both did i would look into if that could be a possible cause

  11. Literally the best take I've heard about the incident. Good stuff, Chris.

  12. question, if you get a medial rod in your shin isn't that an unfair advantage over other guys who you're going to be kicking with your titanium shin??

  13. You need to be on Conor's comeback card, give one another some good vibes and some good luck!

  14. Did yours hurt more and more of a shock because you splintered it via one solid kick? Kinda looks like conors broke slowly. Like it got fractured. Then it broke while throwing that punch, then completely snapped eventually when he stepped back?
    Nit saying he isn't tough. But I think yours broke more dramatically

  15. could you imagine how chris's youtube channel would explode if he just had conor on his podcast talking about their injuries for 20-30 minutes?

  16. Glad to see you looking good and recover Chris. If you talk to Conor, please talk some sense into him!

  17. Chris, may God bless you with a speedy recovery. Keep getting stronger and faster every day. I can't wait until you are back in that octagon better than ever. Best wishes!

  18. I saw that fight when you broke your foot when I heard that impact off that guys leg I went ouch and when I seen how your foot was hanging I felt that man it looked painful it was like at first in the video you didn’t feel it but when your foot came back on the mat that’s when you knew you broke your foot did you felt in your mind like it was scary when you was looking at your broke foot?!

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